Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the mail protocols
Terje Bless <> Tue, 03 October 2000 17:12 UTC
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From: Terje Bless <>
To: DRUMS <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 18:45:54 +0200
Subject: Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the mail protocols
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On 02.10.00 at 20:40, Kai Henningsen <> wrote: >Um, there's *nothing* in POP that requires "a download of the entire >mailbox to check for new messages". Doesn't UIDL return a complete message list (message # plus MD5)? IIRC, the only way to avoid this is to use a "last message" pointer (which doesn't work well) because POP has no equivalent to NNTP NEWNEWS. It's a bit hard to tell given the implementation specific problem you mentioned, but it seems to me that there is significant overhead involved a trivial mail check using POP. Then again, I've never written a POP MUA of that magnitude so I may be wrong. -- As a cat owner, I know this for a fact... Nothing says "I love you" like a decapitated gopher on your front porch.
- Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the mail … Kumar Gaurav Khanna
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Dan Wing
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Lee Thompson
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Lyndon Nerenberg
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Dan Wing
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Tony Hansen
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Russ Allbery
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Philip Hazel
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Kai Henningsen
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Terje Bless
- Re: Internet Draft for flexible proxying of the m… Philip Hazel