[eppext] what to do about IDN tables
James Galvin <galvin@elistx.com> Wed, 04 November 2015 21:00 UTC
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Subject: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables
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A question that will be asked in the working group meeting today is what to do about IDN tables? There is a working group document that has recently expired: draft-ietf-eppext-idnmap/ This document is languishing because Francisco has not gotten the required implementation statements yet. We can certainly revive it but we may need to consider moving forward with incomplete implementation reports. In addition, there were two related individual submissions that have also recently expired: draft-gould-idn-table/ draft-wilcox-cira-idn-eppext/ These three documents are not all the same but they are related. The question is how to move forward. Are Gould and Wilcox withdrawing their documents? Are they going to seek publication in the EPP Extensions Registry? If they want to seek being adopted by the working group then we will need to address the apparent relationship with the existing working group document. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Jim
- [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Gould, James
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Gould, James
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Hollenbeck, Scott
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables James Galvin
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Patrick Mevzek
- Re: [eppext] what to do about IDN tables Francisco Arias