Re: [Gen-art] [Last-Call] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm-15

Lars Eggert <> Mon, 30 May 2022 10:11 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Gen-art] [Last-Call] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm-15
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Dale, thank you for your review. I have entered a No Objection ballot for this document.


> On 2022-5-11, at 4:44, Dale Worley via Datatracker <> wrote:
> Reviewer: Dale Worley
> Review result: Ready with Nits
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
> like any other last call comments.
> For more information, please see the FAQ at
> <>.
> Document:  draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm-15
> Reviewer:  Dale R. Worley
> Review Date:  2022-05-10
> IETF LC End Date:  2022-05-13
> IESG Telechat date:  [not known]
> I have not checked the Yang module itself, as the Yang Doctors will do
> a better job than I can.  Similarly, I have assumed that the specific
> information required for configuring VPNs has been set correctly by
> the members of the working group.  I have reviewed it from the point
> of view that I am qualified to, a reader with beginning knowledge
> about VPNs and Yang learning more about the subject.
> Summary:
>    This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits that
>    should be fixed before publication.
> Nits/editorial comments:
> 2.  Terminology
> Clarifying the wording here so as to make clear the relationships
> between these concepts would ease the learning curve for the
> inexperienced.  For example,
>   VPN node:  Is an abstraction that represents a set of policies
>      applied on a PE and belonging to a single VPN service.
> This is likely known in the VPN community, but I'm having a problem
> following it:  What exactly is a PE, or rather, what is its conceptual
> scope?  A "Customer Edge-to-Provider Edge attachment circuit" is clear
> to the naive, because it's the tangible thing that connects the
> customer to the service provider.  That suggests that the CE is the
> logical entity on the customer end of the attachment, and similarly
> the PE.  But is the PE unique to the attachment circuit, and thus the
> VPN has a lot of PEs that it interconnects, or is there a single PE in
> the VPN?
> Also, is there only one VPN node that is applied to any one PE, or can
> there be many?  This determines whether VPN nodes are one-to-one with
> PEs or whether they may have a wider scope.  It seems to be known that
> a VPN can have multiple VPN nodes, but that isn't stated in the
> definition either.
>   VPN network access:  [...]
>      A reference to the bearer is maintained to allow keeping the link
>      between the L2SM and the L2NM when both data models are used in a
>      given deployment.
> This sentence is correct, but it doesn't seem to belong in this
> location, as it seems to describe an aspect of the data concerning an
> attachment circuit, whereas "VPN network access" is an abstraction of
> just one end of an attachment circuit.  Or does the conceptual model
> not have an abstraction of the other end of attachment circuits, thus
> allowing the network interface and the attachment circuit to be
> conflated, and thus the reference to the bearer can be considered to
> be a property of the VPN network access?
> 4.  Reference Architecture
> In Figure 1, some of the module names are missing the initial "ietf-".
> The bottom section of Figure 1 is:
>    +------+  Bearer    +------+      +------+         +------+
>    | CE A + ---------- + PE A +      + PE B + ------- + CE B |
>    +------+ Connection +------+      +------+         +------+
>               Site A                           Site B
> Shouldn't there be some indication of connection between PE A and PE
> B?
> Also, it's not clear why this set of boxes is integrated with the rest
> of Figure 1, as the lines in the figure don't seem to show any
> particular connection between these four boxes and the boxes above
> them.  This segment seems to be a generic VPN between two sites, but
> "Site A" and "Site B" don't seem to be referenced elsewhere.
> If the intention is that "Network" embraces all 4 of these boxes, then
> the ends of the dashed line above "Network" need to be aligned with
> the left and right edges of the sites, and possibly some "|" added to
> show the various interconnections, perhaps in this style:
>               +----+----+   |                   |
>               | Config  |   |                   |
>               | Manager |   |                   |
>               +----+----+   |                   |
>                    |        |                   |
>                    | NETCONF/CLI..................
>                    |        |                   |
>    +---------------------------------------------------------+
>    |                            Network                      |
>    +------+  Bearer    +------+      +------+         +------+
>    | CE A + ---------- + PE A +======+ PE B + ------- + CE B |
>    +------+ Connection +------+      +------+         +------+
>               Site A                           Site B
> But if you want to emphasize that L2NM only describes the part of the
> network between the PE's, you could do something like this:
>               +----+----+   |                   |
>               | Config  |   |                   |
>               | Manager |   |                   |
>               +----+----+   |                   |
>                    |        |                   |
>                    | NETCONF/CLI..................
>                    |        |                   |
>                  +-------------------------------+
>                  |              Network          |
>    +------+ Bearer     +------+      +------+ Bearer  +------+
>    | CE A + ---------- + PE A +======+ PE B + ------- + CE B |
>    +------+ Conn.      +------+      +------+ Conn.   +------+
>               Site A                           Site B
> 7.2.  VPN Profiles
>   The 'vpn-profiles' container (Figure 5) is used by a VPN service
>   provider to define and maintain a set of VPN profiles [RFC9181] that
>   apply to one or several VPN services.
>   This document does not make any assumption about the exact definition
>   of these profiles.
> I am having a hard time understanding what is intended.  The first
> sentence says that the container provides a way to define profiles,
> but the rest of the document doesn't provide any way to define the
> profiles.  Is the intended meaning that the container lists the names
> of profiles that are defined somewhere else, so that once the names
> are listed in the container, the profiles can be referenced in the
> definitions of services?  Or is there an implication that additional
> Yang nodes can be added in vpn-profiles to provide the definitions?
> In addition, despite the phrasing, there seems to be no constraint
> that a particular profile is in fact applied to one or several
> services.  Is the intended meaning that the listed profiles *can be
> applied* to services?
> 8.1.  IANA BGP Layer 2 Encapsulation Types
>       description
>         "ATM transparent cell transport";
> For consistency with the other items, there should be a "." at the end
> of the description.
> 10.1.  YANG Modules
> Perhaps this section would better be named "Registrations".
> 10.2.  BGP Layer 2 Encapsulation Types
> There are a number of ways the wording of this section could be
> improved.
>   This document defines the initial version of the IANA-maintained
>   "iana-bgp-l2-encaps" YANG module (Section 8.1).  IANA is requested to
>   add this note for both modules:
> "both modules" isn't correct here, as only one module has been
> mentioned by this point in the section.
>      BGP Layer 2 encapsulation types must not be directly added to the
>      "iana-bgp-l2-encaps" YANG module.  They must instead be
>      respectively added to the "BGP Layer 2 Encapsulation Types"
>      registry [IANA-BGP-L2].
> It's not clear what the word "respectively" means in this context.
> It would be clearer if the second sentence was expanded to:
>      BGP Layer 2 encapsulation types must not be directly added to
>      the "iana-bgp-l2-encaps" YANG module.  They must instead be
>      added to the "BGP Layer 2 Encapsulation Types" registry
>      [IANA-BGP-L2], and then a derived identity added to
>      "iana-bgp-l2-encaps".
> --
>   The name of the
>   "identity" is the lower-case of the encapsulation name provided in
>   the description.
> "the description" is ambiguous here; you mean "the description in the
> registry".
> But for most of the existing encapsulation types, the identity name is
> not, strictly speaking, the lower-case of the encapsulation name in
> the registry, but rather something similar.  Suitable wording could be
> "a lower-case version of the encapsulation name".
>   "reference":   Replicates the reference from the registry and add the
>                  title of the document.
> Possibly better phrased "Replicates the reference from the registry
> with the title of the document added."
> 10.3.  Pseudowire Types
> Similar nits as for section 10.2.
> A.4.  VPWS-EVPN Service Instance
> Figure 29 would be clearer if a little more space was used to separate
> "ESI{1,2}" from the network elements.
>                      |<-------- EVPN Instance --------->|
>                      |                                  |
>                |     V                                  V  |
>                |     +-----+   +--------------+   +-----+  |
>         +----+ |     | PE1 |===|              |===| PE3 |  |    +----+
>         |    +-------+     |   |              |   |     +-------+    |
>         |    | |     +-----+   |              |   +-----+  |    |    |
>         | CE1| |               |     Core     |            |    |CE2 |
>         |    | |     +-----+   |              |   +-----+  |    |    |
>         |    +-------+     |   |              |   |     +-------+    |
>         +----+ |     | PE2 |===|              |===| PE4 |  |    +----+
>              ^ |     +-----+   +--------------+   +-----+  |    ^
>              | |                                           |    |
>              |  ESI1                                       ESI2 |
>              |                                                  |
>              |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
>                     Figure 29: An Example of VPWS-EVPN
> A.5.  Automatic ESI Assignment
> Figure 32 would be a little clearer if "LACP" was moved down a line
> (in parallel with how ES is raised a line).
>              ES
>              |     +-----+      +--------------+   +-----+
>       +----+ |     | PE1 |======|              |===| PE3 |       +----+
>       |    +-------+     |      |              |   |     +-------+ CE3|
>       |    | |     +-----+      |              |   +-----+       +----+
>       | CE1| |                  |     Core     |
>       |    | |     +-----+      |              |   +-----+       +----+
>       |    +-------+     |      |              |   |     +-------+ CE2|
>       +----+ |     | PE2 |======|              |===| PE4 |       +----+
>              |     +-----+      +--------------+   +-----+
>            LACP
>           Figure 32: An Example of Automatic ESI Assignment
> [END]
> --
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