[Hipsec] transition from CLOSING state to state I1-SENT
Tom Henderson <tomh@tomh.org> Mon, 28 July 2014 22:14 UTC
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Subject: [Hipsec] transition from CLOSING state to state I1-SENT
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This issue with RFC5201-bis is being tracked as issue 48: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/hip/trac/ticket/48 When a HIP association is in state CLOSING and new data arrives to send to the peer, Table 7 states to send another I1 but stay in CLOSING, while our state machine diagram implies that there is a transition to state I1-SENT. I propose to fix this by changing the Table 7 to read that the state machine transitions to state I1-SENT in this case. Any comments or objections? - Tom
- [Hipsec] transition from CLOSING state to state I… Tom Henderson
- Re: [Hipsec] transition from CLOSING state to sta… Miika Komu