Re: [Idr] draft-uttaro-idr-bgp-persistence

Robert Raszuk <> Tue, 30 July 2019 21:16 UTC

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Yes as I noted in my original mail this is clearly a "workaround" to the
problem. But note it only works if operator is aware about the issue.

If BGP session terminates unexpectedly - say when max prefix is reached -
it is quite unclear on the operational consequences of such duet of
features enabled together.


On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 10:38 PM Jakob Heitz (jheitz) <>

> Robert,
> You can cause your neighbor to delete your routes immediately by bringing
> up a new BGP
> session, and send the LLGR capability with the F bit clear and then bring
> it right back down again. If you don't want your neighbor to hold your
> routes,
> then do not advertise the LLGR capability or set the stale time to 0.
> Regards,
> Jakob.
> *From:* Idr <> *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 30, 2019 7:18 AM
> *To:* Robert Raszuk <>
> *Cc:* idr@ietf. org <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Idr] draft-uttaro-idr-bgp-persistence
> Hi Robert,
> *From:* Idr [ <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Robert Raszuk
> *Sent:* Monday, July 29, 2019 10:08 AM
> *To:* idr@ietf. org
> *Subject:* [Idr] draft-uttaro-idr-bgp-persistence
> Hi,
> Assume LLGR has been negotiated and routes have been exchanged with LLGR
> community. The retention timer is looong.
> ‘Long’ or ‘simple’ is a matter of opinion. I’m pretty sure that some,
> possibly you, will consider that an hour is long. While that is in scope
> the Graceful Restart. Compared to GR, persistence minimize the preference
> of the stale routes hence live routes will be preferred. Personally, this
> seems safer than GR (but indeed, this creates additional control plane
> processing)
> While I am happy to see that suggestions to follow GR procedures have been
> used the draft is pretty silent on one very important aspect - clearing
> persistent routes. GR procedures which rely on using GR time for it do
> not apply.
> Imagine I want to bring such session down and I do want to remove all
> routes including those marked as LLGR. How do I do that ?
> From current draft the only way seems to be to reestablish a session with
> LLGR capability and readvertise subject routes with NO-LLGR community
> hoping it will clear the former routes. But even here we are at the mercy
> of local policy as per section 3.2 & 3.3
>  For your case, the BGP session seems to be up or able of been up. Why do you think the use of a hard reset would not work? This seems to be specifically referred to by the specification:
> “   In the presence of the "Long-lived Graceful Restart Capability", the
>    procedures specified in [RFC4724 <>] and [RFC8538 <>] continue to apply
>    unless explicitly revised by this document.”
> For the case where the BGP session is down, clearly a protocol message/behavior is not applicable. I would assume that a local CLI would do this. (E.g. clear ip bgp session). In all cases, this is not specific to BGP persistence and equally applies to GR.
> King regards,
> --Bruno
> In any case that is pretty awkward method.
> Then we just had a little thread regarding max prefix in GROW WG. New
> draft there actually relies on BGP NOTIFICATION MSG with CEASE error code
> to remove all routes making on purpose crossing a max prefix limit a
> drastic event (of course unless warning only is set).
> Bottom line BGP here is used again as configuration tool not as dynamic
> routing protocol. I do not think this type of use of BGP which should be
> endorsed.
> If this proposal moves fwd it should clearly spell how not only to retain
> the LLGR eligible prefixes but also how to cleanly remove them when needed
> - way before they expire.
> Kind regards,
> R.
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