Re: ADV : money Thu, 15 July 1999 15:50 UTC
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To: John Stracke <>
Subject: Re: ADV : money
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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 11:45:55 -0400
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 13:10:22 +0200, John Stracke <> said: > I tend to find those distracting. Besides, they're redundant: this mailing > list (like most) sends unsub instructions when you subscribe; it's mildly > implausible that large numbers of people just delete them out of hand. What Not at all implausible. I receive an *incredible* amount of mail of the form "I can't find my instructions on how to do XYZ". What's even more astounding is the percentage of said mail that comes from people purporting to be full professors, university vice presidents, and CEOs of companies, and therefor literate enough to read the 'Please save these instructions for future reference' that they were sent.... -- Valdis Kletnieks Computer Systems Senior Engineer Virginia Tech
- Re: ADV : money Joel Dyess
- ADV : money friendlyneighborhoodadman1
- RE: ADV : money MUNISH VERMA 2418
- Re: ADV : money Joël-René Cuvellier
- RE: ADV : money Robert G. Ferrell
- Re: ADV : money Robert G. Ferrell
- RE: ADV : money Blaine Lefler
- Criminal Activity James D. Wilson
- RE: ADV : money Robert G. Ferrell
- Re: ADV : money Harald Alvestrand
- Re: ADV : money Sean C. McCarthy
- Re: ADV : money John Stracke
- Re: ADV : money Valdis.Kletnieks
- Re: ADV : money Keith Moore