[IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation's Statement about IPR related to draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh-checks-04
IETF Secretariat <ietf-ipr@ietf.org> Thu, 09 May 2013 19:41 UTC
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Subject: [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation's Statement about IPR related to draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh-checks-04
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Dear Yaron Sheffer, Scott Fluhrer: An IPR disclosure that pertains to your Internet-Draft entitled "Additional Diffie-Hellman Tests for IKEv2" (draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh-checks) was submitted to the IETF Secretariat on 2013-05-09 and has been posted on the "IETF Page of Intellectual Property Rights Disclosures" (https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/2072/) The title of the IPR disclosure is "Certicom Corporation's Statement about IPR related to draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh- checks-04.""); The IETF Secretariat
- [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation's St… IETF Secretariat
- Re: [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation'… Michael Richardson
- Re: [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation'… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation'… Matthew Campagna
- Re: [IPsec] IPR Disclosure: Certicom Corporation'… Yoav Nir