Re: [ipwave] Fwd: IETF IPWAVE WG - Liaison statement from ITU-T CITS: LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database - protocols traffic lights communications

Alexandre Petrescu <> Mon, 04 October 2021 09:42 UTC

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Subject: Re: [ipwave] Fwd: IETF IPWAVE WG - Liaison statement from ITU-T CITS: LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database - protocols traffic lights communications
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In reply to my message,

I would like to ask the ITU-T CITS whether the protocols for 
communication to traffic lights at national level (country-specific) are 
relevant for the CITS databse?

These protocols do relate to vehicular networks because the cars are 
regulated by traffic lights.

These protocols do have international counterparts (e.g. ISO PRESTO, SAE 
J2735, ETSI SPAT-EM) but these international counterparts are much less 

These protocols often (always?) are transmitted using TCP/IP.

These protocols are not present in the CITS database.  Only NTCIP (used 
in USA, SAE J2945/11) is mentioned in the databse.   Maybe these 
protocols from other countries should be added:

DIASER: a protocol used to communicate to Traffic Lights controllers. 
Used in France. Specified by AFNOR.  Works on hardware platforms from 
Lacroix (model Traffy) and Aximum (model Maestro), and probably others.  
Works on serial and on UDP/IP.  DIASER is known to work on RS232, TCP 
and UDP.  Seen on IPv4; not known on IPv6. SEA is a traffic lights 
controller manufacturer in France that produces some, implements DIASER 
too.  There are about 10 manufacturers in France (Aximum of Colas, 
Fareco of Fayat, Lacroix, SEA, others?), all doing DIASER.  In France, 
in addition to DIASER there is also LCR protocol for Traffic Lights.

API WIM 7101: a proprietary API interface used by organisation NEAVIA of 
organisation Lacroix in France; it is used to provide access to data of 
traffic lights controllers.

IVERA: the IVERA protocol is used in the Netherlands to provide a 
manufacturer-independent communication method between traffic control 
installations and a control centre. The protocol is also suitable for 
communicating with parking management signs and ramp meters (traffic 
lights) that regulate traffic entering freeways.

V-Log: the V-Log protocol is a similar protocol to IVERA emerging from 
the Netherlands, but with a focus on logging data from traffic control 
installations. It's an open standard and free from license fees.

TLEX: Traffic Light EXchange platform (TLEX) is a protocol mentioned in 
countries Netherlands and Finland; it is mentioned together with the 
acronyms iVRI and IVERA.

MQTT: The generic MQTT protocol has been used at the Tampere Satellite 
Site to retrieve traffic light status data over Internet. The 
proprietary messages provide traffic light statuses and 
remaining-time-green & time-to-green.

OCIT: Open interfaces for connections between central and distributed 
components ( Protocol family 
used at least in Germany and in the Czech Republic. The OCIT protocols 
may be used for communication with Traffic Lights Controllers, with some 
implementations from Siemens and from Cross.  Not known whether OCIT 
works on IP, and on IPv6.

RSMP: Roadside message protocol originating from Scandinavian countries 
( Its specifications are 
maintained on GitHub (there is also a document titled “CEN/TC 278/WG 17 
N 207”).

Tipo V: The 'Tipo V' (read 'type V', like in ‘Valencia’, not the number 
five) is a protocol used in Spain to communicate to traffic lights 
controllers.  The spec number is UNE 135401-5 IN.  It is standardised by 
Spanish organisation AENOR. ETRA, at least, implements it.

NTCIP:  In the US a protocol to communicate with Traffic Lights 
Controllers. It is on the web at It has Internet 
specifically (it has profile for it, dated 2001). Further, it may be 
implemented by Thales, a French company.

UTMC: In UK there is UTMC protocol to communicate to traffic lights.

The organisation CEREMA in France has a document with a list of 
protocols for communication to traffic lights as well.  They should be 


Le 04/10/2021 à 11:27, Alexandre Petrescu a écrit :
> Hi, IPWAVErs,
> The ITU-T CITS group (CITS==Collaboration on ITS Standards) issued 
> this formal liaison statement to several SDOs, including IETF and the 
> IPWAVE WG.  I am not a formal liaison to this group, but I transmit 
> the message.
> The message describes a bit what is CITS, and informs about its 
> database of standards related to ITS.  That database lists, among 
> others, the RFC 8691 and the current I-D about vehicular networking.  
> The message also invites interested persons to contribute to the database.
> Yours,
> Alex
> PS: this is a brief text excerpt from the word document:
>> The Collaboration on ITS communication standards (CITS) serves as an 
>> international platform for the coordination of globally acceptable, 
>> and harmonized standards on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 
>> in order to enable the rapid deployment of fully interoperable ITS 
>> communication-related products and services.
>> In keeping with its mandate, in March 2019 CITS agreed to establish 
>> an online database for ITS Communication Standards. To furnish this 
>> database with key inputs from participating SDOs, these entities were 
>> invited to review the categorisation of their related-standards and 
>> to appoint an expert to maintain the relevant communication standards 
>> in the online database.
>> Over the course of two years, the database has been significantly 
>> updated with inputs received through liaison statements as well as 
>> those presented during the six monthly CITS meetings.
>> The current version of the online database is already accessible here 
>> <>. 
>> It includes standards from 3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU, SAE, 
>> TTC, and W3C.
>> In order to keep this database as up to date as possible, CITS would 
>> like to encourage you to participate regularly in the CITS e-meetings 
>> and provide any relevant inputs either via presentations to the 
>> meeting or through formal channels including liaison statements.
> -------- Message transféré --------
> Sujet : 	IETF IPWAVE WG - Liaison statement from ITU-T CITS: LS on 
> provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database
> Date : 	Fri, 17 Sep 2021 15:08:05 +0000
> De : 	TSB CITS Secretariat, ITU <>
> Pour : <>
> Copie à : <>, 
> <>, T.Russell Shields <>, Polidori, 
> Stefano <>, Menon, Mythili 
> <>, TSB CITS Secretariat, ITU <>
> Dear colleagues,
> At its meeting [E-meeting, 10 September 2021], ITU-T CITS agreed to 
> the attached liaison statement to be sent to IETF IPWAVE WG.
> [sp16-cits-iLS-00013]: LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS 
> communication standards database.
> Best regards,
> itu-logo-resize-RU
> *CITS Secretariat*
> *Stefano POLIDORI, Mythili MENON & Carolina LIMA
> *International Telecommunication Union
> Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
> <>| 
> <>
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