RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05
Luyuan Fang <> Sun, 19 October 2014 23:05 UTC
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Hi Martin and Thomas, I support, as co-author. I’m not aware of relevant IPRs. Thanks, Luyuan ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Martin Vigoureux <<>> Date: Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 3:00 PM Subject: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 To:<> Hello Working Group, This email starts a two-week poll on adopting draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 [1]. Please send comments to the list and state if you support adoption or not (in both cases please also state the reasons). This poll runs until November the 3rd. Coincidentally, we remind you to check and then state on this list if you are aware, or not, of any undisclosed IPR (according to IETF IPR rules, see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details) relating to draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 If you are listed as a document author or contributor please respond to this email and state whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR. The response needs to be sent to the L3VPN WG mailing list. The document will not advance to the next stage until a response has been received from each author and contributor. If you are on the L3VPN WG email list but are not listed as an author or contributor, then please explicitly respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been disclosed in conformance with IETF rules. Thank you M&T --- [1]
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Linda Dunbar
- WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 Martin Vigoureux
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Luyuan Fang
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Bitar, Nabil N
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Henderickx, Wim (Wim)
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Robert Raszuk
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… NAPIERALA, MARIA H
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Luay Jalil
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Thomas Morin
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… ningso
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Jeff Tantsura
- 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Haoweiguo
- 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Lizhenbin
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… ningso
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Benson Schliesser
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Wang, Wen
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Gabriele Maria Galimberti (ggalimbe)
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Chris Lewis (chrlewis)
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Henderickx, Wim (Wim)
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… UTTARO, JAMES
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Daniele Ceccarelli
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Mach Chen
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Andrew G. Malis
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Manuel.Paul
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Sami Boutros (sboutros)
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Bruno Rijsman
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Lucy yong
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Bitar, Nabil N
- Poll Closed [Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3… Martin Vigoureux
- Re: [bess] Poll Closed [Re: WG adoption poll - dr… Luyuan Fang