[mif] Concensus call on host behavior of MPVD NDP document
Hui Deng <denghui02@hotmail.com> Sun, 22 November 2015 13:09 UTC
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From: Hui Deng <denghui02@hotmail.com>
To: "mif@ietf.org" <mif@ietf.org>, Margaret Cullen <mrcullen42@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 21:09:32 +0800
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Subject: [mif] Concensus call on host behavior of MPVD NDP document
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Hello all There was one concensus call on whether MPVD NDP document should not contain what the host does: 8 people think it should not 0 people think it should https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-mif-mpvd-ndp-support-02.txt Here we confirm in the mailing list again cochairs
- [mif] Concensus call on host behavior of MPVD NDP… Hui Deng
- Re: [mif] Concensus call on host behavior of MPVD… Margaret Wasserman