Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes
Richard Barnes <> Thu, 30 January 2020 14:44 UTC
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From: Richard Barnes <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 09:43:38 -0500
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To: Benjamin Beurdouche <>
Cc: Nick Sullivan <>, Messaging Layer Security WG <>
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Subject: Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes
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X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 14:44:08 -0000
On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 6:48 PM Benjamin Beurdouche <> wrote: > > > #285 - Get rid of ignored proposals. > > I had added "ignored" to the Commit message to allow the Committer to > indicate Proposals that they had received, but was not committing. Brendan > makes a plausible case in the PR that this distinction is not worthwhile, > and this cleans it up. Please speak up now if you have a concern / > objection to merging this PR. > > I am obviously against allowing a network attacker to arbitrarily truncate > the proposals from someone. The explicit acknowledgement of ignored > proposals lets the sender of the proposal know that the committer actually > received, processed and discarded the proposal. This is obviously way > better that not knowing if the proposal even reached the committer. > Note that the current proposal ACKs all "valid" proposals, since the Committer MUST include all valid proposals in the commit. The only thing that are omitted are proposals that would have no effect on the final group state. So the attacker cannot arbitrarily suppress proposals without being noticed. For example, an otherwise valid Add or Remove will never be omitted, so if an endpoint sent an Add/Remove and it didn't end up in the Commit, then he knows it was not received by the committer. AFAICT the only interesting ambiguity arises when there are two Updates, in which case the current spec doesn't specify which of the two should be selected and which invalidated. In such a situation, with the current proposal, if you send two Updates and see the earlier one in the Commit, you don't know if the later one didn't arrive or if the committer just didn't choose it. But this can be easily resolved by specifying that the committer always chooses the Update with the highest generation for the sender, so that if a Commit arrives that includes an update with a lower generation than the highest you sent, then you know the later ones weren't received. In other words, if we make that fix, the only cases where you don't get an ACK are the cases where the proposal wouldn't affect the protocol anyway. Namely, Updates that are overwritten by another Update or a Remove. So the protocol ACKs everything that is meaningful to the protocol. (Brendan also makes the practical point in the PR that it doesn't matter for client behavior whether a missing proposal was received or not -- either way, it needs to retransmit to get the job done.) The best argument I can imagine for keeping "ignored" is extensibility -- the analysis of whether something affects the protocol state might not be so simple with some future type of Proposal. But I'm having trouble thinking of any example where this would be the case. Could you live with something like the following? 1. Resolve the above-noted ambiguity about multiple Updates for the same leaf 2. State explicitly that the only Proposals that may be omitted from a Commit are: - Invalid proposals (e.g., because of a bad signature, parsing error, reference to a non-existent leaf) - Proposals whose effect on the tree is overwritten by another proposal, which at this point includes only: - Updates for a leaf prior to the latest Update received by the committer - Updates for a leaf for which there is a Remove in the epoch ISTM that that ensures that a Proposal is ACK'ed iff it matters to the protocol. --RLB
- [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Nick Sullivan
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Richard Barnes
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Benjamin Beurdouche
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Richard Barnes
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner