[MLS] Virtual Interim minutes
Nick Sullivan <nick@cloudflare.com> Wed, 29 January 2020 21:39 UTC
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From: Nick Sullivan <nick@cloudflare.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 13:38:34 -0800
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MLSWG, Draft minutes from the productive first virtual interim posted below. If you find an issue, submit a PR to Github: https://github.com/mlswg/wg-materials/blob/master/virtual-interim-recurring/01-29-2020.md Nick & Sean >>> Attendees: Joel Alwen, Richard Barnes, Raphael Robert, Britta Hale, Brendan McMillion, Nick Sullivan #247 - Welcome confirmation and key derivation * Fixes bugs RLB found in the last draft while implementing * OK to merge after rebase / conflict resolution #246 - Bugfixes in ClientInitKey, Commit, and Welcome * Derives the Welcome encryption key instead of generating fresh * ... under the general theory about not requiring freshness when not necessary * OK to merge after rebase / conflict resolution #283 - Use the same ratchet for Handshake and Application keys * There's no point to FS for Proposals because clients have to cache the plaintext anyway * Given that, the "flat derivation" approach should be fine * We should have separate keys per sender to it easier to avoid nonce collisions * RLB and RR to decide whether we should derive nonces on a hash ratchet or just use a counter #287 - Switch to signing strategy using one signature per leaf. * There was agreement among those on the call to proceed with this strategy (tree-hash-covers-parent-hash) * ... given the deniability concerns and unclear benefit of the alternative (parent-hash-covers-tree-hash) * If further considerations come to light from analysis, we can revisit later
- [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Nick Sullivan
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Richard Barnes
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Benjamin Beurdouche
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Richard Barnes
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner
- Re: [MLS] Virtual Interim minutes Sean Turner