[MMUSIC] Revisit consensus ? [Re: ICE updated offer - Back to the initial question]

Flemming Andreasen <fandreas@cisco.com> Thu, 23 October 2014 05:36 UTC

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To: Christer Holmberg <christer.holmberg@ericsson.com>, "Stach, Thomas" <thomas.stach@unify.com>, Ari Keränen <ari.keranen@ericsson.com>, mmusic <mmusic@ietf.org>
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Subject: [MMUSIC] Revisit consensus ? [Re: ICE updated offer - Back to the initial question]
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In terms of consensus call, we had pretty strong consensus in the 
meeting for option #3 (see under 
To recap, the options and consensus outcome were:


3 options

1. Current 5245 behavior (only if change from default candidate)

2. MUST always do updated O/A (whether change or not)

3. "Ekr's" proposal: you do it or don't do it, but you indicate in the 
o/a if you're going to do it. Basically want to have option to never do 
the updated O/A exchange, with an indication in the signaling that you 
will not be doing it. Of course can always initiate a new O/A exchange 
whenever you want to.

Consensus call by chair (Flemming):

0 for option 1

3 for option 2

15 for option 3

Since then, Ari started a thread to find out if option 3 was causing 
major problems for people, and if so, if there were a (better ?) way of 
addressing those. This is essentialy what this whole "ICE updated offer" 
thread has been about.

 From a chair point of view, I think it's fair to say that we have heard 
additional points of view and proposals as part of this thread, but that 
we also only heard from a subset of the people involved in the 
discussion at IETF 90. What I would suggest is that the author (Ari) 
actively engages the people that expressed an opinion at IETF 90 in this 
discussion to get their points of view. We can then discuss at IETF 91 
again and take another consensus call based on all the information 
available. We will make sure to also take that consensus call to the 
mailing list subsequently to hopefully agree on the way forward (or at 
least get explicit consensus).


-- Flemming (as MMUSIC co-chair).

On 10/17/14, 7:08 AM, Christer Holmberg wrote:
> Hi,
> There was a consensus call for 3, so the minutes are correct.
> I apologize if I should have challenged the minutes, rather than 
> waiting for an explicit verification call from the chairs.
> Regards,
> Christer
> Sent from my Windows Phone
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Stach, Thomas <mailto:thomas.stach@unify.com>
> Sent: ?17/?10/?2014 13:58
> To: Christer Holmberg <mailto:christer.holmberg@ericsson.com>; Ari 
> Keränen <mailto:ari.keranen@ericsson.com>; mmusic <mailto:mmusic@ietf.org>
> Subject: RE: [MMUSIC]  ICE updated offer - Back to the initial question
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Whatever decisions are made at the meetings must (or, at least that 
> seem to
> > be de facto practise) be confirmed on the mailing list.
> You're right I also haven't seen an explicit consensus call on the list.
> But there also wasn't objection against the minutes and they say:
> "Chair calls consensus on option 3."
> Maybe the chairs can help where we are wrt to consensus or not consensus.
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