[MMUSIC] Extremely drafty minutes

Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com> Sat, 02 March 2013 00:23 UTC

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I've been working on minutes for the interim meeting last month; I've
attached the current draft.  It needs *extensive* review, as I had
planned to work off recordings for two days, and they turned out to be
available for only half of one.  Several folks have volunteered their
notes, but I have not made nearly enough progress.  I've decided that
it's better to have something out than nothing, so here they are, in
the current state.

Please review them and provide input; I will continue to work on them,
but if we don't get more input, they will be *terrible*.

My apologies for the plan going awry on this, and for the delay.  I
kept hoping that more time spent with them would make them coherent;
in large part, I suspect that helped very little all.  Please excuse
that and help us correct it,


Ted Hardie