[Ntp] Antw: Re: Antw: [EXT] Re: WGLC on draft‑ietf‑alternative‑port‑01

Ulrich Windl <Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de> Mon, 02 August 2021 06:02 UTC

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Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2021 08:02:16 +0200
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>>> Hal Murray <halmurray+ietf@sonic.net> schrieb am 31.07.2021 um 07:18 in
>>  So how would using an alternative port make a difference?
> Because the filters are looking for UDP port 123.  The smart ones do a 
> length 
> check and let 48 byte packets througg.  The dumb ones just nuke them all.


I just wonder: Wouldn't rate limiting (or bandwidth limiting) be the correct
way to do?
I don't consider the smart solution to be smart actually.
Maybe even considering the input/output (request/response) ratio would be even


> The recent discussion has focused on middleware.  It also happens on transit

> links.
> I have a pool server in London.  The monitoring station in the US frequently

> kicks it out of the pool because it can't verify that it is responding.
> We had significant troubles during the early NTS hackathons.  NTP packets 
> with 
> NTS extensions didn't get through.
> ‑‑ 
> These are my opinions.  I hate spam.
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