Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Prioritization edits (#2322)

Mike Bishop <> Fri, 11 January 2019 17:09 UTC

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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Prioritization edits (#2322)
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MikeBishop approved this pull request.

Yes, I like this formulation better.

 Due to reordering between streams, an element can also be prioritized which is
 not yet in the tree. Such elements are added to the tree with the requested
+When a prioritized element is first created it has a default inital weight
+of 16 and a default dependency. Requests and placeholders are dependent on the
+root of the priority tree, pushes are dependent on the client request on which

root of the priority tree; pushes are dependent on the client request on which
Comma splice

 Due to reordering between streams, an element can also be prioritized which is
 not yet in the tree. Such elements are added to the tree with the requested

The extra line was removed in your most recent commit, so don't accept the suggestion to remove another one.  ;-)

 Due to reordering between streams, an element can also be prioritized which is
 not yet in the tree. Such elements are added to the tree with the requested
+When a prioritized element is first created it has a default inital weight
+of 16 and a default dependency. Requests and placeholders are dependent on the
+root of the priority tree, pushes are dependent on the client request on which
+the PUSH_PROMISE frame was sent.
+Requests may override the default intial values by including a PRIORTIY frame
+(see {{frame-priority}}) at the beginning of the stream. Pushes and placeholders
+may be later updated by sending a PRIORITY frame on the control stream.

can be updated by sending a PRIORITY frame on the control stream.

 Due to reordering between streams, an element can also be prioritized which is
 not yet in the tree. Such elements are added to the tree with the requested
+When a prioritized element is first created it has a default inital weight
+of 16 and a default dependency. Requests and placeholders are dependent on the
+root of the priority tree, pushes are dependent on the client request on which
+the PUSH_PROMISE frame was sent.
+Requests may override the default intial values by including a PRIORTIY frame
+(see {{frame-priority}}) at the beginning of the stream. Pushes and placeholders

(see {{frame-priority}}) at the beginning of the stream. These priorities
It's not just pushes and placeholders -- this statement is true for any of them.

 Due to reordering between streams, an element can also be prioritized which is
 not yet in the tree. Such elements are added to the tree with the requested
+When a prioritized element is first created it has a default inital weight

When a prioritized element is first created, it has a default initial weight

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