Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Repeat tokens in all Initial packets (#2089)

Martin Thomson <> Sun, 02 December 2018 03:02 UTC

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From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Repeat tokens in all Initial packets (#2089)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

This is fine, pending the small suggested tweaks.  Though we need to settle on "reject" vs. "discard" to close this one.

>  Upon receiving the client's Initial packet, the server can request address
 validation by sending a Retry packet ({{packet-retry}}) containing a token. This
-token is repeated by the client in an Initial packet after it receives the Retry
-packet.  In response to receiving a token in an Initial packet, a server can
-either abort the connection or permit it to proceed.
+token is repeated by the client in all Initial packets after it receives the

token MUST be repeated by the client in all Initial packets it sends after it receives the

>  Upon receiving the client's Initial packet, the server can request address
 validation by sending a Retry packet ({{packet-retry}}) containing a token. This
-token is repeated by the client in an Initial packet after it receives the Retry
-packet.  In response to receiving a token in an Initial packet, a server can
-either abort the connection or permit it to proceed.
+token is repeated by the client in all Initial packets after it receives the
+Retry packet.  In response to receiving a token in an Initial packet, a server
+can either abort the connection or permit it to proceed.
+As long as it is not possible for an attacker to generate a valid token for
+its own address (see {{token-integrity}}) and the client is able to return
+that token, it proves to the server that it received the token.

It only proves that it received it, not when.  I think that we can probably defer discussion of the reuse/replay aspects of this.

> @@ -1590,9 +1588,11 @@ amount of data to a client in response to 0-RTT data.
 The server uses the NEW_TOKEN frame {{frame-new-token}} to provide the client
 with an address validation token that can be used to validate future
-connections.  The client may then use this token to validate future connections
-by including it in the Initial packet's header.  The client MUST NOT use the
-token provided in a Retry for future connections.
+connections.  The client includes this token in Initial packets to provide
+address validation in a future connection.  The client MUST include the
+token in all Initial packets it sends, unless a Retry replaces the token
+with a newer token. The client MUST NOT use the token provided in a Retry
+for future connections.

Is the desired action "reject" or "ignore/discard"?  I would say either is OK, though I might be inclined more toward the latter (on the basis that spoofing implies DoS).

> @@ -1614,17 +1614,19 @@ token was issued and any connection where it is used.  Clients that want to
 break continuity of identity with a server MAY discard tokens provided using the
 NEW_TOKEN frame.  Tokens obtained in Retry packets MUST NOT be discarded.
-A client SHOULD NOT reuse a token.  Reusing a token allows connections to be
-linked by entities on the network path (see {{migration-linkability}}).  A
-client MUST NOT reuse a token if it believes that its point of network
-attachment has changed since the token was last used; that is, if there is a
-change in its local IP address or network interface.  A client needs to start
-the connection process over if it migrates prior to completing the handshake.
+A client SHOULD NOT reuse a token in different connections. Reusing a token
+allows connections to be linked by entities on the network path
+(see {{migration-linkability}}).  A client MUST NOT reuse a token if it
+believes that its point of network attachment has changed since the token was
+last used; that is, if there is a change in its local IP address or network
+interface.  A client needs to start the connection process over if it migrates
+prior to completing the handshake.

@huitema has it right here.  We are adding text in #2064 that should help.

 When a server receives an Initial packet with an address validation token, it
-SHOULD attempt to validate it.  If the token is invalid then the server SHOULD
-proceed as if the client did not have a validated address, including potentially
-sending a Retry. If the validation succeeds, the server SHOULD then allow the
+SHOULD attempt to validate it, unless it has already completed address
+validation.  If the token is invalid then the server SHOULD proceed as if
+the client did not have a validated address, including potentially sending
+a Retry. If the validation succeeds, the server SHOULD then allow the
 handshake to proceed.


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