Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Recovery uses both time and packet thresholds (#1974)

MikkelFJ <> Wed, 07 November 2018 07:50 UTC

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From: MikkelFJ <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Recovery uses both time and packet thresholds (#1974)
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mikkelfj commented on this pull request.

>  as a fraction of the round-trip time (kTimeReorderingFraction), is 1/8.
-An endpoint SHOULD set the timer such that a packet is marked as lost no earlier
-than 1.125 * max(SRTT, latest_RTT) since when it was sent.
+An endpoint SHOULD declare packets lost no earlier than
+1.125 * max(SRTT, latest_RTT) after when they were sent.  If packets sent prior
+to the largest acknowledged packet cannot yet be declared lost, then a timer
+SHOULD be set for the remainint time.


> @@ -312,16 +292,10 @@ Using max(SRTT, latest_RTT) protects from the two following cases:
 * the latest RTT sample is higher than the SRTT, perhaps due to a sustained
   increase in the actual RTT, but the smoothed SRTT has not yet caught up.
-The 1.125 multiplier increases reordering resilience. Implementers MAY
-experiment with using other multipliers, bearing in mind that a lower multiplier
-reduces reordering resilience and increases spurious retransmissions, and a
-higher multiplier increases loss recovery delay.
-This mechanism is based on Early Retransmit for TCP {{?RFC5827}}. However,
-{{?RFC5827}} does not include the timer described above. Early Retransmit is
-prone to spurious retransmissions due to its reduced reordering resilence
-without the timer. This observation led Linux TCP implementers to implement a
-timer for TCP as well, and this document incorporates this advancement.
+Implementers MAY experiment with using other reordering fractoins, bearing


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