Re: Hidden connection spawning

Kazuho Oku <> Fri, 27 July 2018 00:31 UTC

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From: Kazuho Oku <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 09:31:02 +0900
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Subject: Re: Hidden connection spawning
To: Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen <>
Cc: IETF QUIC WG <>, Chris Wood <>,,
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2018-07-26 15:31 GMT+09:00 Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen <>:
> I came to think about a use case where you want to spawn a new connection
> from an existing connection because the new connection runs a different
> protocol. For example a http connection where you  want to run a separate
> live conference call, or to control tunnels from http control connection.
> You have roughly three options:
> 1. extend the current protocol with the new feature set in extension frames
> or similar
> 2. develop or use a purposes specific QUIC protol using 0-RTT for spawning
> the connection
> 3. negotiate the new connection handshake within the current handshake.
> The first solution is not complex, limited, and not modular.
> The second solution can be used to get information about the connection, and
> for example block connections that appear to be doing that.
> The third solution allows for an invisible connection spawn, but requires
> addition handshake logic which is already complex as it is.

I prefer the second approach, since it allows spawning connections in
0-RTT across different transports.

For example, I think that it would be nice to have a way to spawn a
0-RTT HQ connection from a HTTP/2 connection (via alt-svc).

Note also that there is an individual draft submitted to TLSWG that
discusses of adding a way for a TLS server to issue session tickets
that could be context-specific: see

> I suggesting solution 3 as possible option, although I am not convinced that
> this is worthwhile, at least in V1.
> This was in part inspired by recent discussion on tunneling, and in part by
> the following issue where partial reliability is being discussed and
> possibly shoe-horned into an extension. I am not following that issue
> closely though - it is just an example.
> Mikkel

Kazuho Oku