[Rats] Collection binding (was Re: New RATS)

Laurence Lundblade <lgl@island-resort.com> Fri, 03 June 2022 18:15 UTC

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Subject: [Rats] Collection binding (was Re: New RATS)
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This is one of two comments I have on collections.

Without any cryptographic binding between tokens in the collection, an attacker can easily substitute a good attestation from another device for one that is not good. This is very large vulnerability in my view. So what to do?

1) One option is to write some very large security considerations. They would probably recommend strongly the use of TLS to provide the binding. They would look a lot like all the text in UCCS.

2) Another option is to abandon the draft for submods that does provide that. The top-level signer could be a weaker attester whose job is just to provide the binding. It would be kind of similar in security characteristics as using TLS (where TLS is not implemented in a root of trust).

3) There could be some other cryptographic binding. Perhaps a hash of one is COSE aad for another. There is allusion to cryptographic binding in the draft, but nothing specific. That other binding could be left up to the implementer and not standardized in which a big recommendation in security considerations is needed. It could also be standardized by describing what it is in this draft.  Can you describe what you were thinking about?

I don’t have a strong opinion of which option should be used, but I think one (or more) is needed.


> On May 30, 2022, at 4:33 AM, Simon Frost <Simon.Frost@arm.com> wrote:
> FYI. I’ve just submitted a new draft for a proposed extension to the top level object in EAT.
> There’s a full justification in the doc, but as a quick summary, there are difficulties in creating a top level ‘envelope’ object for a multi-token system while remaining compatible with EAT. Given the recent move to fix the list of top level objects but embrace extensions, this approach seems to be an appropriate proposal.
> See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-frost-rats-eat-collection/ <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-frost-rats-eat-collection/> & https://github.com/SimonFrost-Arm/draft-frost-rats-eat-collection <https://github.com/SimonFrost-Arm/draft-frost-rats-eat-collection>
> Thanks
> Simon
> Simon Frost
> Senior Principal Systems Solution Architect, ATG, Arm
> Mob: +44 7855 265691
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