[Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN
"Turner, Randy" <Randy.Turner@landisgyr.com> Fri, 10 October 2014 19:22 UTC
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From: "Turner, Randy" <Randy.Turner@landisgyr.com>
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I know there's a section on multicast in RFC 6550, which essentially states that the equivalent of a multicast "join" would be a DAO packet specifying multicast, rather than unicast addresses. It says that this method is not to be relied on in a non-storing network - however, I'm assuming we can still use this if we implement just a "lightweight storing mode", keeping track of only multicast addresses. In this case a multicast "leave" would be when the DAO entry "times out" - does this behavior obviate the need for MLD operation on this "quasi" storing mode LLN ? Thanks! Randy P PLEASE CONSIDER OUR ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS EMAIL. This e-mail (including any attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are prohibited from using, copying or distributing the information in this e-mail or its attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank you.
- [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Turner, Randy
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Turner, Randy
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Kerry Lynn
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Kerry Lynn
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Turner, Randy
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Don Sturek
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Don Sturek
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Turner, Randy
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Don Sturek
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Kerry Lynn
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Turner, Randy
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Michael Richardson
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Michael Richardson
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Michael Richardson
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Kerry Lynn
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN peter van der Stok
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Don Sturek
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [Roll] multicast & MLD on LLN Don Sturek