[Sipping] Re: FW: Comments on draft-ietf-sipping-app-interaction-framework-03

Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> Tue, 18 January 2005 13:19 UTC

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you are right. You did not receive any response.

In any case, when you make a comment in the mailing list on a particular 
draft, it usually helps to cc: the authors. Otherwise, it could happen 
that they miss the message.

I have cc:ed Jonathan, who is the author of the draft you are referring 
to so that he is aware of your comments.



Joe Zebarth wrote:
> Gonzalo 
> The attached message was sent on Dec 1, 2004 and I thought I was
> entitled to a response. 
> If a response was sent, I apologize for not finding it in my incoming
> mail box. 
> Please let me know if I did receive a response or when I can anticipate
> a response. 
> Thanks and Kindest Regards 
> Joe Zebarth 
> ATI Strategic Standards 
> Nortel (Canada) 
> Phone: +1 613 765 8481 
> ESN:    6+395 8481 
> Fax:     +1 613 763 2697 
> ESN:    6+393 2697 
>  <http://www.nortel.com> http://www.nortel.com 
>  -----Original Message----- 
> From:   Zebarth, Joe [CAR:1A12:EXCH]  
> Sent:   Wednesday, December 01, 2004 1:29 PM 
> To:     'sipping@ietf.org' 
> Subject:        Comments on
> draft-ietf-sipping-app-interaction-framework-03 
> Colleagues 
> The following are a few comments that I have with respect to
> draft-ietf-sipping-app-interaction-framework-03. 
> Would it be worth noting in the abstract and/or the introduction that
> this document is providing IANA registration for a new "SIP Option Tag"
> and a new "Header Field Parameter"?
> Is there an inconsistency between Figure 1 which shows the "user
> interface" on the network side of the user device and the definition
> "Focusless User Interface: A user interface which has no ability to
> perform focus determination.  An example of a focusless user interface
> is a keypad on a telephone."  So if the definition is correct should
> Figure 1 show a "user interface" on the user side of the "user device".
> If so, should we consider a new term that is less confusing for the
> functionality currently labeled as "user interface" in Figure 1?
> In the definition for "Barge-In", possibly the last sentence should come
> to the front.  Minor rewording would be required if this is done.
> On page 18 the words "the markup waits".  I observe that the term
> "markup" is not in the definitions section, should it be added or is
> there a better term for this functionality?
> Kindest Regards 
> Joe Zebarth 
> ATI Strategic Standards 
> Nortel Networks (Canada) 
> Phone: +1 613 765 8481 
> ESN:    6+395 8481 
> Fax:     +1 613 763 2697 
> ESN:    6+393 2697 
>  <http://www.nortelnetworks.com> http://www.nortelnetworks.com 

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