Re: [lamps] S/MIME fix

Phillip Hallam-Baker <> Thu, 17 May 2018 15:46 UTC

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From: Phillip Hallam-Baker <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 11:46:21 -0400
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To: Adam Roach <>
Cc: Russ Housley <>, SPASM <>
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Subject: Re: [lamps] S/MIME fix
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On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:37 AM, Adam Roach <> wrote:

> On 5/17/18 9:01 AM, Russ Housley wrote:
>> To create an analogous situation for secure email, you'd need to use
>>> webcrypto in a way that stored your private key in the browser
>>> (inaccessible to the page), and develop web standards that add some
>>> affordance for web pages to hand encrypted data to the browser in a way
>>> that causes the corresponding unencrypted data to be displayed to the user,
>>> but isolated from the web page completely (e.g., rendered into an iframe
>>> that the parent cannot inspect).
>> I am not following you.  I do not see the requirement to do anything with
>> webcrypto.  However, I completely agree with the need to isolate each
>> portion of the multi-part.
> Presumably, we would need a means to generate a keypair, and to make the
> public key available to the webpage so that it can be conveyed to remote
> parties. That could be a new API, but it feels like something that could be
> added to webcrypto without much fuss. (I'll note that WebRTC did take the
> other approach, by defining an RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate()
> method that is very roughly equivalent to window.crypto.subtle.generateKey(),
> but with the properties I describe above).
> Admittedly, this can all be done by the browser itself using local UI, but
> the general idea of the web platform is that you delegate only as little as
> is necessary to the browser. I mean, if you push enough of this to the
> local binary, and it becomes a full-fledged email client. ;)

​That was the CERN approach.

Netscape disagreed, threw JavaScript together in a fortnight and launched
it on the world with no consultation. We have been in damage control ever

A modern Web browser is a Turing complete language for constructing thick
clients for the Web Services of your choice. I don't like the fact but it
is what it is.

I am composing this in Gmail right now. And there is my outlook client in
the window underneath. ​The Web browser is not just a full fledged email
client, it is the client of choice.