[spring] New Liaison Statement, "LS on recent network OAM related developments in Q13/11 of SG11: one non-consensus contribution"
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Subject: [spring] New Liaison Statement, "LS on recent network OAM related developments in Q13/11 of SG11: one non-consensus contribution"
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Title: LS on recent network OAM related developments in Q13/11 of SG11: one non-consensus contribution Submission Date: 2021-04-19 URL of the IETF Web page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/liaison/1735/ Please reply by 2021-05-15 From: Denis ANDREEV <akouch@mail.ru> To: Alvaro Retana <aretana@cisco.com>,John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net> Cc: Martin Vigoureux <martin.vigoureux@nokia.com>,Joel Halpern <jmh@joelhalpern.com>,Source Packet Routing in Networking Discussion List <spring@ietf.org>,itu-t-liaison@iab.org <itu-t-liaison@iab.org>,Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>,Scott Mansfield <Scott.Mansfield@Ericsson.com>,Bruno Decraene <bruno.decraene@orange.com>,Jim Guichard <james.n.guichard@futurewei.com>,John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net> Response Contacts: Tatiana Kurakova <tatiana.kurakova@itu.int>, shimr@chinatelecom.cn Technical Contacts: Purpose: For action Body: Abstract: This LS aims to inform IETF that SG11 received a Contribution SG11-C953 on Proposal to start a new work item - Q.SRv6_im "Requirements and Reference Model for Integrated Monitoring of SRv6 Network”. As consensus has not been reached to proceed, SG11 seeks the opinion from IETF about this subject. ITU-T Study Group 11 would like to inform IETF spring WG that Contribution SG11-C593 “Proposal to start a new work item - ITU-T Q.SRv6_im "Requirements and Reference Model for Integrated Monitoring of SRv6 Network" was submitted to SG11 and there was no consensus reached to start the new work item. From some members’ view, there are more experts on SRv6 in IETF, hence this work item initiated in IETF is better than in ITU-T. From the contributors’ opinion, the study area of IETF and ITU-T is originally overlapped and these two SDOs have already reached an agreement on how to solve the “overlapped area” problems. They also had already launched the Recommendations on collaboration guidelines separately (RFC 6756 and T-REC-A.Sup3). From this LS, IETF spring WG is invited to share feedback to point out the current activities of IETF in regard to this topic and if there are any views on this work item. The contribution SG11-C593 is attached. SG11welcome any additional comments toward cooperation with ITU-T in this field. Attachments: 1 - SG11-C593 "Proposal to start a new work item - ITU-T Q.SRv6_im "Requirements and Reference Model for Integrated Monitoring of SRv6 Network" Attachments: SG11-LS184_Att1 https://www.ietf.org/lib/dt/documents/LIAISON/liaison-2021-04-19-itu-t-sg-11-spring-ls-on-recent-network-oam-related-developments-in-q1311-of-sg11-one-non-consensus-contribution-attachment-1.pdf SG11-LS184 https://www.ietf.org/lib/dt/documents/LIAISON/liaison-2021-04-19-itu-t-sg-11-spring-ls-on-recent-network-oam-related-developments-in-q1311-of-sg11-one-non-consensus-contribution-attachment-2.pdf
- [spring] New Liaison Statement, "LS on recent net… Liaison Statement Management Tool