[TLS] TLS 1.3: Deterministic RSA-PSS and ECDSA

Brian Smith <brian@briansmith.org> Sun, 07 August 2016 04:54 UTC

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Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2016 18:54:56 -1000
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The current draft says "It is RECOMMENDED that implementations
implement 'deterministic ECDSA' as specified in [RFC6979]." The
current draft also says, regarding RSA-PSS signatures: "When used in
signed TLS handshake messages, the length of the salt MUST be equal to
the length of the digest output."

I think it would be ideal if we could find a way to specify the
RSA-PSS salt requirement in a way that meets the requirements for
provable security that motivated the switch to RSA-PSS and also
recommends a deterministic method of salt generation analogous to what
RFC6979 does for ECDSA. However, I don't know of any such method.
Perhaps other people do; if so, the spec to include a recommendation
to use such a method be used.

Also, I think it would be great if people working on proofs of
security for TLS could take into consideration the fact that
some--perhaps many--implementations will intentionally or accidentally
use some form of deterministic or less-than-random salt generation for
RSA-PSS. For example, it would be great to see a "What if the salt(s)
in the RSA PSS signature(s) were generated deterministically?" section
of papers describing such proofs.
