Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks (Martin Rex) Wed, 13 August 2014 14:00 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks
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Antoine Delignat-Lavaud wrote: > > This is the TLS mailing list, and the relevant problem here is the > complete lack of any restriction in RFC 5246 and 5077 on when a session > can be resumed. This lack is intentional. The only prerequisite is that both peers have the session in their cache and are willing to use it for a session instead of a full handshake. > > Thus, we end up in a situation where resumption is up to > implementations to decide; because of the lack of any specification, > TLS libraries simply hand off the decision to the application; You seem to be seriously misinterpreting the specifications. The TLS libraries are not "simply handing off the decision to the application", they are EXPLICITLY REQUIRED to leave any such decision to the application. Last sentence of Section 1. Introduction of every TLS spec: the decisions on how to initiate TLS handshaking and how to interpret the authentication certificates exchanged are left up to the judgment of the designers and implementors of protocols which run on top of TLS. In the abstract definition, the TLS client implementation has _absolutely_ _no_idea_ who it is talking to, working purely on a memory buffer interface to the client application. What is probably dangerous and unreasonable is when a TLS implementation lets an application interfere with the PKIX path validation of a peer cert chain. The application level "interpretation of authentication certificates exchanged" ought to be independent from whether the TLS stack performs a full or an abbreviated TLS handshake, and the calling application ought to retrieve and check/map the peer certificates after completion of the TLS handshake and independent of whether the handshake was full or abbreviated (and independent from the PKIX path validation). > > the application won't know what to do (this kind of question is typically > considered out of the scope of application protocol definitions), Nope, that can not possibly happen. Per specification, the application *KNOWS* what to do. There might be clueless programmers that don't know what to do, but that is a different issue. > > SPDY is an interesting case, as it does specify a clear resumption > policy (even though, I must against stress out again, this policy > technically allows resumption between any two HTTP origins as long as > they appear in the same certificate; thus, CVE-2014-3166 does not > violate any TLS or HTTP specification and cannot be considered an > implementation bug). This policy should be interpreted as an > authorization function for TLS authentication. In a full handshake, > there is a well-specified and widely-adopted authorization function > defined in RFC 5280. The problem I am pointing out is that the SPDY and > PKIX authorization functions are incompatible. Thus, TLS features that > assume PKIX authorization, such as SNI or ChannelID, may not guarantee > the same security properties under SPDY authorization. Similarly, > certain PKIX extensions will also fail under SPDY authorization, most > notably certificate pinning. PKIX authorization does not exist within TLS. Whether it exists in the function of the application that "decisions how to interpret the authentication certificates" is purely an application matter an none of TLS business. Certificate pinning would be an application decision, not a TLS decision. But with your description I somehow still fail to see a problem. If the server certificate of such resumptions will *pass* the "server endpoint identification", then why would re-doing the server endpoint identification make a difference? -Martin
- [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Watson Ladd
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Bodo Moeller
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Martin Thomson
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Martin Rex
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Karthikeyan Bhargavan
- Re: [TLS] Inter-protocol attacks Martin Thomson