Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [was:A word for "does not have a significantly negative impact on traffic using standard congestion control"?]
Bob Briscoe <> Mon, 29 March 2021 00:43 UTC
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To: Martin Duke <>, Gorry Fairhurst <>
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Subject: Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [was:A word for "does not have a significantly negative impact on traffic using standard congestion control"?]
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Martin, Gorry, The set of CCs that do not have significantly negative impact on traffic using standard CC is much broader than the two CCs on the standards track. For instance, this is needed to describe what an L4S CC is allowed to fall-back to in response to loss. We wouldn't want to constrain implementers to just the 2 behaviours that happen to have been written up as tds track RFCs. Bob On 26/03/2021 16:44, Martin Duke wrote: > Gorry, > > 8312bis is Standards Track. > > On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 5:15 AM Gorry Fairhurst < > <>> wrote: > > On 16/03/2021 09:39, Sebastian Moeller wrote: > > Dear All, > > > > in the cited response Bob proposes to define TCP Reno as the > reference TCP all TCP-friendly protocols need to be compatible > with. I had a quick look at what TCP CCs are actually in use, and > according to wikipdia, all major operatig systems, Windows10 > (since 1709, 2017), MacOs (since Yosemite, 2014), Linux (since > 2.6.19, 2006) converged on CUBIC as the default TCP congestion > control algorithm. > > Given that data, I propose to not enshrine YCP Reno's behavior > as the current applicable reference, but instead TCP CUBIC. > > For the L4S drafts that does not change much, because the > dualQ's unfairness towards non-L4S-CCs does not seem to care for > the exact way a CC is NOT L4S, > <snip> > > Best Regards > > Sebastian > > > This seems an editorial matter that we should simply get correct. The > IETF has a PS specification for Reno. RFC 8312 is informational, but > TCPM recently adopted draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-00, targeting > Informational status. > > My own (personal) suggestion is that we use text that says a "CC > specified in a standard's track RFC" and give refs to both Reno and > Cubic as examples, although I'd be interested in others views also. > > Gorry > -- ________________________________________________________________ Bob Briscoe
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- Re: [tsvwg] A word for "does not have a significa… Sebastian Moeller
- Re: [tsvwg] A word for "does not have a significa… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [tsvwg] A word for "does not have a significa… Sebastian Moeller
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Sebastian Moeller
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [tsvwg] A word for "does not have a significa… Lloyd W
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Martin Duke
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Sebastian Moeller
- Re: [tsvwg] What TCP to target in TCP-friendly [w… Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [tsvwg] A word for "does not have a significa… Bob Briscoe