[websec] Re-litigating Key-Pinning

Yoav Nir <ynir.ietf@gmail.com> Wed, 27 August 2014 05:45 UTC

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Subject: [websec] Re-litigating Key-Pinning
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Hi folks

In the last few days, we’ve had a bunch of threads re-opening issues with key-pinning, mostly around the PKP-RO.

This document has gone through years of discussion on the mailing list, a WGLC and an IETF LC. 

The document is now under review by the IESG. We (the working group) and the authors need to address comments and discuss ballots by members of the IESG. This is an inappropriate time to raise new substantive issues about the document. 

Fixing editorial issues like Julians’ comments about references is fine, and could even be done *after* IESG review. However, making substantive changes like removing PKP-RO or changing the requirements for processing it cannot be done at this stage. Deciding to do this requires withdrawing the publication request and sending it back to the working group.  I do not think this is advisable.

The IETF occasionally publishes documents that are imperfect. Such imperfections can be fixed later via errata or -bis documents. For now, I think we should publish the document as it is with the changes agreed upon in discussions with ADs.


[with chair hat firmly on]