[85attendees] Great meeting venue
Stuart Cheshire <ietf12@stuartcheshire.org> Thu, 08 November 2012 16:05 UTC
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Subject: [85attendees] Great meeting venue
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I think Atlanta has turned out to be a great IETF meeting venue. The meeting space is good, not spread out and confusing to navigate (as it has been at some venues), and it is quickly and conveniently accessible from the hotel rooms. I particularly like the large open lounges that the Hitlon has every few floors, which make great spots to met for a quiet chat. For those who prefer not to stay at the IETF venue, there are many other good hotels within short walking distance. And there's a good choice of restaurants within walking distance too. Thanks to all involved for a great choice of meeting venue. I'd support keeping Hitlon Atlanta on our list of good venues for future meetings. Stuart Cheshire
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Ted Lemon
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Benoit Claise
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Carsten Bormann
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Ray Bellis
- [85attendees] Great meeting venue Stuart Cheshire
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Jon Hudson
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Peer Azmat Shah
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Halevi, Cliff H
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Ross Callon
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Melinda Shore
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue JOHNSON, ALASTAIR (ALASTAIR)
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Ronald van der Pol
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Andy Newton
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue James Polk
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue JOHNSON, ALASTAIR (ALASTAIR)
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Dean Willis
- Re: [85attendees] Great meeting venue Barry Leiba
- Re: [85attendees] [johnlevine.com-ietf] Re: Great… John R Levine
- Re: [85attendees] [johnlevine.com-ietf] Re: Great… Leif Johansson