[apps-discuss] SenML
Jari Arkko <jari.arkko@piuha.net> Thu, 23 February 2012 14:24 UTC
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Cc: Cullen Jennings <fluffy@cisco.com>
Subject: [apps-discuss] SenML
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Hello again, This is another draft that we'd like to get feedback on. It is yet another component that the authors have used in their work around small and smart devices. The goal is to define a base data format that sensors and other Internet of Things devices can easily use, preferably without having to define entirely new schemes and different structures just to measure a slightly different thing. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jennings-senml-08 The abstract says: This specification defines media types for representing simple sensor measurements and device parameters in the Sensor Markup Language (SenML). Representations are defined in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and Efficient XML Interchange (EXI), which share the common SenML data model. A simple sensor, such as a temperature sensor, could use this media type in protocols such as HTTP or CoAP to transport the measurements of the sensor or to be configured. Comments appreciated. Necessary? Correctly defined? Improvement suggestions? Jari
- [apps-discuss] SenML Jari Arkko
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Kaebisch, Sebastian
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Yusuke DOI
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Zach Shelby
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Zach Shelby
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Jari Arkko
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML liu dapeng
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Zach Shelby
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Kaebisch, Sebastian
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Yusuke DOI
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Kaebisch, Sebastian
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Zach Shelby
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML DOI Yusuke
- Re: [apps-discuss] SenML Kaebisch, Sebastian