Re: [Cfrg] Curve manipulation, revisited

David Gil <> Fri, 26 December 2014 21:51 UTC

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Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:50:57 +0000
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Curve manipulation, revisited
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On Thursday, December 25, 2014 1:05 PM, Adam Langley <> wrote:
[replying to someone else]
> . . .               On the other hand, each additional curve dilutes
> implementation resources and implementation bugs happen.

I assume that you mean finite fields, not curves?

(This would seem to be just as good of an argument for generating
Edwards curves over the Salinas primes, which are rather widely

On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 8:38 PM, David Gil <> wrote:
>> In particular, w.r.t. Yahoo's eventual release of an End-to-End
>> messaging extension, we will generate EC keys for extension users
>> on a curve subgroup with log2(#K) >= 376. The additional computational
>> expense is, frankly, negligible.
> I think my argument here is the same as above. (Although, in this
> situation, you would have the advantage of being able to use the
> simplest, clearest code possible . . . 

Alas, no, I don't have that advantage: WebCrypto [has more-or-less
decided][w3c_curves] that they will only implement CFRG-recommended
curves. I need WebCrypto support -- for non-extractable keys.
But I also need to have something that is relatively clean to
implement in JS, for support of legacy-ish browsers.

And I'm not convinced that the NUMS curve proposal can be implemented with decent performance in simple and clear JS.

> . . . because performance isn't a concern.)

And alas, it is: JavaScript is not particularly ideal for k-time
bignum arithmetic. The choice of finite field has a major impact
on performance.


> TOP SECRET just needed to have a bigger number than SECRET :)

Sure; but why then not secp224r1/SHA-224 and secp256r1/SHA-256?

And does a code-breaking agency have any reason to publicly
*overestimate* the probability a cryptosystem might be broken?

(Or: perhaps they chose randomly ;)


[w3c_curves]: "[W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus on the integration of new curves in Web Crypto API - vote before the 16th of sept"