[dispatch] UUID Rev WG is chartering

Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca> Wed, 17 August 2022 12:06 UTC

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Hi, in case you didn't follow DISPATCH, or haven't unpacked from IETF114 yet,
UUIDREV is in the chartering process.  I picked a few splatters of
places were there may be interested parties.  I'm sure that I missed a few,
so please forward if you think of them.

The ML is up and some links:


Jim Fenton and I are co-chairs, and we are meeting today to discuss virtual
interim dates, processes and the like.  My preference is to have a regular
(monthly) virtual interims so that we can reach a higher velocity.

I think the IESG could vote on the charter as soon as next week.
If you are interested in being WG secretary or being a document shepherd,
please let the chairs know.

Knowing what time zones are involved would be VERY good.

that proposed Charter again:

Since the publication of RFC 4122 in 2005, a number of additional versions
of universally unique IDs (UUIDs) have been proposed. A number of errata
have also been verified against the original specification, motivating
a full revision of the UUID specification with the additional versions added.

This working group will produce a standard-track RFC4122bis specification
based on limited review of RFC4122 that will include resolution of verified or
held errata and incorporation of the following additional UUID versions,
using draft-peabody-dispatch-new-uuid-format as a guide:

- Field-compatible version of UUIDv1 optimized for improved database locality
- Time-ordered UUID based on Unix epoch timestamp
- UUID version for vendor-specific use cases

Other aspects of UUIDs, such as alternative representations and UUIDs that
are other than 128 bits in length, will also be considered and the working
group may produce specifications on those topics.  They will not be
considered, however, prior to completion of RFC4122bis, and such milestones
will be negotiated with the responsible AD prior to work commencing.


  Mar 2023 - Submit RFC4122bis to the IESG for publication as Proposed

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF@sandelman.ca>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide