[Hipsec] RFC5201-bis and RFC5202-bis status

Tom Henderson <tomh@tomh.org> Fri, 05 September 2014 18:46 UTC

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Subject: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis and RFC5202-bis status
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The new RFC5201-bis [1] draft implements the following changes, 
discussed on the list:

    o  Clarify that receipt of user data in state CLOSING (Table 7)
       results in transition to I1-SENT

    o  Add academic reference for the first mention of the RSA algorithm

    o  As part of comment resolution on use of NULL encryption, note that
       use of a NULL HIP CIPHER is only to be used when debugging and
       testing the HIP protocol.  This only pertains to the ENCRYPTED
       parameter, which is optional; in practice, if encryption is not
       desired, better to just not encrypt the Host ID.

I believe that the open issue on NULL encryption as a MTI (DISCUSS) on 
RFC5202-bis [2] (also updated today) is closed now, and the following 
items remain on RFC5201-bis:

1) proposal to address possibility of a plaintext attack:


I am not sure whether there is support or a concrete text proposal to 
change this?

2) proposal to add support for 2048-bit DHE (discussed on the list this 


The current proposal is to add support for this in the next version, 
unless further comments are received.

3) update Appendix C example packet


4) tracking considerations for HIP


Stephen most recently said:

"However, I won't press this if you don't wanna go there now - it'd
be a large enough change and would probably take time.

I'll clear this one and if the WG want they can decide to pursue
that goal."

So perhaps this should serve as a last call on this issue--does anyone 
in the WG want to pursue a change in this area?

5) I just noticed this suggestion from Barry Leiba and will pick this up 
in version 18:.

In the IANA Considerations, similar to what was done for R1_COUNTER, I 

       A new value (579) for a new Parameter Type HIP_CIPHER should be
       added, with reference to this specification.  This Parameter Type
       functionally replaces the HIP_TRANSFORM Parameter Type (value 577)
       which can be left in the table with existing reference to
       A new value (579) for a new Parameter Type HIP_CIPHER should be
       added, with reference to this specification.  This Parameter Type
       functionally replaces the HIP_TRANSFORM Parameter Type (value 577)
       which can be left in the table with existing reference to
       [RFC5201].  For clarity, we recommend that the name for the
       value 577 be changed from "HIP_TRANSFORM" to "HIP_TRANSFORM
       (v1 only)".

- Tom

[1] http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis-17.txt
[2] http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-hip-rfc5202-bis-07.txt