[hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"?
Julian Reschke <julian.reschke@gmx.de> Wed, 28 October 2009 07:20 UTC
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Subject: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"?
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Citing <http://blog.whatwg.org/html5-at-last-call>: "There's also a version of the spec called Web Applications 1.0 (for nostalgic reasons) that has all of the above as well as a number of other specs, namely Web Storage, Web Database, Server-sent Events, and the Web Sockets API and protocol, all together in one document. With the exception of the Web Database spec, they're all now in last call at the WHATWG." Ian, could you please explain what you mean by "last call" in this context? BR, Julian
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Julian Reschke
- [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Julian Reschke
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Ian Hickson
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Salvatore Loreto
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Ian Hickson
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Julian Reschke
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Salvatore Loreto
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Infinity Linden (Meadhbh Hamrick)
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Maciej Stachowiak
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Infinity Linden (Meadhbh Hamrick)
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Greg Wilkins
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Martin Tyler
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Julian Reschke
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Ian Hickson
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Mike Dierken
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Ian Hickson
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Jamie Lokier
- Re: [hybi] web socket protocol in "last call"? Lisa Dusseault