[Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-tag-00
"Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <ginsberg@cisco.com> Mon, 23 February 2015 15:26 UTC
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From: "Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <ginsberg@cisco.com>
To: "isis-wg@ietf.org" <isis-wg@ietf.org>, "draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-tag@tools.ietf.org" <draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-tag@tools.ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-tag-00
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Subject: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-tag-00
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I have a number of comments on this draft - a few editorial - most substantive. Abstract ----------- s/ofthe/of the Introduction ---------------- I think the last sentence should be removed. It is providing an example of a use case - and as such is more appropriate for Section 5. Section 2 - First paragraph --------------------------------- I would like to see the last statement revised so that it is more general. Also, node-tags are a property of the node - not of the routing protocol used to advertise them - I would like to see this point explicitly stated. Perhaps something like: "Per-node administrative tags are used to advertise an attribute of the node. As such they are independent of the routing protocol used to advertise them. Because per-node administrative tags may be used to advertise many different attributes, associating the advertisement to TLVs specific to a particular use case (e.g. IS-Neighbors TLVs in the case of TE path selection) is not appropriate." Section 2 Second Paragraph ---------------------------------- Last sentence is grammatically incomplete. Consistent w previous comment regarding use cases this sentence should be moved to Section 5. Section 2 Third Paragraph ---------------------------------- Neither L1 nor L2 LSPs as defined in ISO 10589 have "domain-wide" flooding scope. Domain-wide flooding of TLV 242 information is achieved by leaking the TLV from L2 into L1. This behavior is well defined in RFC 4971 - you need not discuss it here other than to say that node-tags can be flooded domain-wide if appropriate using the mechanisms defined in RFC 4971. Section 2 Fourth and Fifth Paragraphs ------------------------------------------------ I don't agree with the content of these paragraphs. It may be perfectly acceptable to use the same tag value domain-wide - it depends upon the functionality associated w the tag. I think these two paragraphs should be deleted. Section 2 Sixth Paragraph -------------------------------- You are repeating a description contained in RFC 4971 - and your description is not as clear. There is no need for this. A reference to RFC 4971 is all that is required. Section 2 Final Paragraph --------------------------------- The advertisement of tags (and Router Capabilities in general) is NOT topology specific. The restriction you describe in this paragraph is undetectable and unenforceable. The use of node-tags is configuration specific - it is only in that context that you can choose to make a particular tag value have significance in either one topology or all topologies. This paragraph should be removed as well. Section 4 Paragraph 5 ---------------------------- Consistent w my comments above this paragraph should be removed. Section 4 Paragraph 6 ------------------------------ This states " The per-node administrative tags are not meant to be extended by the future IS-IS standards." I do not understand what you are trying to say here. Section 5 ------------- This section, while useful, is not normative. I would like to see it moved to an Appendix. Les
- [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-admin-… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-ad… Pushpasis Sarkar
- Re: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-ad… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-ad… Pushpasis Sarkar
- Re: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-ad… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Isis-wg] Comments on draft-ietf-isis-node-ad… Pushpasis Sarkar