Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hmac-sha2-02
Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@MIT.EDU> Fri, 23 May 2014 02:18 UTC
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Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 22:18:06 -0400
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Subject: Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hmac-sha2-02
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On Thu, 22 May 2014, Peck, Michael A wrote: > Thanks for the comments, I'll fix those. Thanks. > Could you help me understand or give an example of what the pseudo-random > function defined in the protocol parameters is used for? I'm not quite > following the RFC 3961 section 3 definition. Sure. Probably the easiest example to refer to that comes to mind is in the implementation of gss_pseudo_random() for the krb5 mech, RFC 4402. The summary is that an RFC 3961 enctype is supposed to provide a deterministic way to turn a protocol key and some input string into pseudo-random bits, which are unpredictable to anyone who does not know the protocol key. The output from this function is a fixed length per enctype, so consumers frequently end up defining a PRF+ function to get arbitrary-length output. > We already separately define how a base-key is derived from a passphrase > (in cases where a passphrase is used), and how the Kc, Ke, and Ki keys are > derived from the base-key. What are the additional use cases for a generic > PRF? RFC 3961 sort of hints at this with the phrase "suitable for use in key generation". I don't think I know of any uses of the prf other than for key generation. This would basically always be key generation for some key to be used outside of kerberos, bootstrapping from (say) a kerberos session key and some other shared state between two parties. gss_pseudo_random() is used in draft-wilkinson-afs3-rxgk; in implementing that protocol we actually discovered a couple of interoperability issues between Heimdal and MIT kerberos, partially because the prf functionality was not very well specified originally (which in turn is possibly because the original authors did not really have a concrete use in mind). > Right now our pseudo-random function definition refers to KDF-HMAC-SHA2, > which we define in section 3 but in the context of deriving the base-key, > Kc, Ke, or Ki key (so that we get the right output length) rather than > arbitrary keys, so we may need to clean up that language a bit. Then > you're right that it just says "HMAC" which would mean an output of 256 or > 384 bits, which probably isn't right (RFC 3961 says the "pseudo-random > function should generate an octet string of some size" - but how do we > know what size is needed?). Also, calling HMAC a second time rather than > just passing the octet-string (and perhaps a desired output length?) into > KDF-HMAC-SHA2 may be redundant. That's a good point; it's not specified what the length of Kp is for the aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192 variant. It would seem that section 3 should cover the Kp case as well as Kc, Ke, Ki, and the base key. (I just assumed that it was 192, when I was reading it.) The introduction does say "the HMAC algorithm uses the SHA-256 or SHA-384 hash algorithm", so I think that the bare usage of "HMAC" at the end of section 5 is reasonably well specified; it's only which variant of KDF-HMAC-SHA2 should be used that is particularly unclear. We could "cheat" by changing the "prf" input to KDF-HMAC-SHA2 to instead be "prfU", since ASCII 'U' is 0x55 (and the 'ends in 0x55' case is already covered for Ki), but it's probably better to explicitly specify which form to use. I don't think there's a need to specify a fully general KDF-HMAC-SHA2, since that's just an internal tool used in defining other quantities, and it is those output quantities which are actually parameters of the RFC 3961 enctype. There is some strong convention that the pseudo_random() output be a multiple of the message block size of the underlying cipher, but from memory I do not think that RFC 3961 imposes that as a hard constraint. There is not really any other restriction or condition on what size output it should produce; consumers are already using PRF+ constructs because of existing enctypes, so we just need to pick a length. (In any case, whether HMAC is SHA-256 or SHA-384, it is still a multiple of the 128-bit block size for AES, so "multiple of the block size" is a non-issue.) I think that calling HMAC a second time is preferable to just passing the octet-string into KDF-HMAC-SHA2; it seems to be more in keeping with the other applications of KDF-HMAC-SHA2 in the specification. I will note again for clarity that the output length of pseudo_random() is a protocol constant; the idea of a "desired output length" is not relevant, since the output length must always for any key of a given enctype. Hope that helps. -Ben
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- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Matt Miller (mamille2)
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Matt Miller (mamille2)
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Matt Miller (mamille2)
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Ryan Troll
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Ryan Troll
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hmac-s… Shawn M Emery
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Peck, Michael A
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Simon Josefsson
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hm… Greg Hudson
- [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-krb-wg-cammac-08 Shawn M Emery
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-krb-wg-cammac-08 Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-krb-wg-cammac-08 Tom Yu
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-krb-wg-cammac-08 Zheng, Kai
- [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth-15 Shawn M Emery
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth… Bill Mills