Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hmac-sha2-02

Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> Fri, 23 May 2014 15:26 UTC

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Subject: Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-aes-cts-hmac-sha2-02
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On 05/23/2014 04:42 AM, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> I know this is a late generic comment, and I have vague memories that
> this was already discussed.  But why are we standardizing separate
> encrypt and MAC when everyone else is moving towards AEAD-based modes?

We have spent a lot of time considering CCM and GCM.  In the end, the
uncoordinated nature of Kerberos key usage on long-term keys makes it
too hard to pick nonces within the 128-bit space of an AES block with
sufficient confidence that they won't be reused.

Channel protocols such as TLS can assume state on either end of a
connection, making it much easier to select nonces.  A Kerberos enctype
could be specified which is intended only to be used with short-lived
keys via RFC 4537 enctype negotiation, but there would have to be a
significant practical advantage to justify that extra complexity.

> I don't see any discussion of this in the draft.  There are AEAD modes
> with nicer properties wrt IV reuse, like SIV.

We have not considered SIV as no one has brought it up before (and in
fact, I hadn't heard about it until now).  Since a goal of this enctype
is to hew as closely as possible to NIST-certified cryptography
practices, I don't know that SIV would be an attractive option, but I
will definitely read up on it.