Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extension syntax
Paul Hoffman <> Wed, 18 March 2015 15:12 UTC
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There is no problem with an extension being a blob of data that does not have an ASN.1 structure. Any PKIX-y application that *needs* to read the parts of the blob can do so in the same way that a TLS-y application does, using the same decoder. To be clear: most PKIX-y applications don't descend into ASN.1 structures for extensions they don't know about, so this isn't really any different. --Paul Hoffman
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- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Manger, James
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Rob Stradling
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Melinda Shore
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Denis
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Stephen Kent
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Sean Leonard
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Sean Leonard
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Rob Stradling
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- Re: [pkix] update on ITU-T Public-key infrastruct… Erik Andersen
- Re: [pkix] update on ITU-T Public-key infrastruct… George Michaelson
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Massimiliano Pala
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Massimiliano Pala
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Rob Stradling
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Paul Hoffman
- [pkix] Cryptographic Message Syntax Tony Rutkowski
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Russ Housley
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Russ Housley
- Re: [pkix] Cryptographic Message Syntax Russ Housley
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Yoav Nir
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Sean Leonard
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Peter Yee
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Russ Housley
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Melinda Shore
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Santosh Chokhani
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Peter Yee
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Melinda Shore
- Re: [pkix] a question of cert (and OCSP) extensio… Eric Rescorla