Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Improve Idle Timeout text (#3414)

Martin Thomson <> Thu, 12 March 2020 20:54 UTC

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Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 13:54:44 -0700
From: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Improve Idle Timeout text (#3414)
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martinthomson commented on this pull request.

> -likely that only applications or application protocols will know what
-information can be retried.
+An endpoint restarts its idle timer when a packet from its peer is received and
+processed successfully. An endpoint also restarts its idle timer when sending an
+ack-eliciting packet if no other ack-eliciting packets have been sent since last
+receiving and processing a packet. Restarting this timer when sending a packet
+ensures that connections are not closed after new activity is initiated.
+An endpoint might need to send ack-eliciting packets to avoid an idle timeout
+if it is expecting response data, but does not have or is unable to send
+application data.
+An endpoint that sends packets close to the effective timeout risks having
+them be discarded at the peer, since the peer might enter its draining state
+before these packets arrive. An endpoint can send a PING or another
+ack-eliciting frame to test the connection for liveness if the peer could
+time out soon, such as within a PTO (see Section 6.6 of {{QUIC-RECOVERY}}).

time out soon, such as within a PTO; see Section 6.6 of {{QUIC-RECOVERY}}.

> -flow control limits; see {{flow-control}}.
-An endpoint that sends packets near the end of the idle timeout period
-risks having those packets discarded if its peer enters the draining state
-before the packets arrive.  If a peer could time out within a Probe Timeout
-(PTO; see Section 6.6 of {{QUIC-RECOVERY}}), it is advisable to probe the path
-with an ack-eliciting packet to ensure the connection is still responsive
-before sending any data that cannot be retried safely.  Note that it is
-likely that only applications or application protocols will know what
-information can be retried.
+An endpoint restarts its idle timer when a packet from its peer is received and
+processed successfully. An endpoint also restarts its idle timer when sending an
+ack-eliciting packet if no other ack-eliciting packets have been sent since last
+receiving and processing a packet. Restarting this timer when sending a packet
+ensures that connections are not closed after new activity is initiated.
+An endpoint might need to send ack-eliciting packets to avoid an idle timeout


An endpoint might need to send ack-eliciting packets to avoid an idle timeout

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