Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] STOP_SENDING opens streams (#2013)

Subodh Iyengar <> Fri, 16 November 2018 17:29 UTC

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From: Subodh Iyengar <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] STOP_SENDING opens streams (#2013)
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siyengar commented on this pull request.

> @@ -4276,12 +4280,12 @@ An endpoint uses a STOP_SENDING frame (type=0x05) to communicate that incoming
 data is being discarded on receipt at application request.  This signals a peer
 to abruptly terminate transmission on a stream.
-Receipt of a STOP_SENDING frame is only valid for a send stream that exists and
-is not in the "Ready" state (see {{stream-send-states}}).  Receiving a
-STOP_SENDING frame for a send stream that is "Ready" or non-existent MUST be
-treated as a connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.  An endpoint that
-receives a STOP_SENDING frame for a receive-only stream MUST terminate the
-connection with error PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.
+Receipt of a STOP_SENDING frame is invalid for a locally-initiated stream which
+does not exist or is in the "Ready" state (see {{stream-send-states}}).
+Receiving a STOP_SENDING frame for a locally-initiated send stream that is
+"Ready" or non-existent MUST be treated as a connection error of type
+PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.  An endpoint that receives a STOP_SENDING frame for a
+receive-only stream MUST terminate the connection with error PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.

I think senders are required to open streams in order so this should be fine

> @@ -4276,12 +4280,12 @@ An endpoint uses a STOP_SENDING frame (type=0x05) to communicate that incoming
 data is being discarded on receipt at application request.  This signals a peer
 to abruptly terminate transmission on a stream.
-Receipt of a STOP_SENDING frame is only valid for a send stream that exists and
-is not in the "Ready" state (see {{stream-send-states}}).  Receiving a
-STOP_SENDING frame for a send stream that is "Ready" or non-existent MUST be
-treated as a connection error of type PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.  An endpoint that
-receives a STOP_SENDING frame for a receive-only stream MUST terminate the
-connection with error PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.
+Receipt of a STOP_SENDING frame is invalid for a locally-initiated stream which
+does not exist or is in the "Ready" state (see {{stream-send-states}}).
+Receiving a STOP_SENDING frame for a locally-initiated send stream that is
+"Ready" or non-existent MUST be treated as a connection error of type
+PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.  An endpoint that receives a STOP_SENDING frame for a
+receive-only stream MUST terminate the connection with error PROTOCOL_VIOLATION.

I think senders are required to open streams in order so this should be fine

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