Re: [rtcweb] Review request for RTCWeb standard signaling protocol

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé <> Tue, 04 October 2011 07:21 UTC

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Here are some comments after the first read:

"There are lots of
   issues in Javascript based signaling protocol."

What issues? Do you have an implementation to sustain that statement?


I guess you noticed that  the architecture graph in your draft is exactly the SIP trapezoid. But we can't make everyone happy, XMPP guys will want to use XMPP and SIP guys will want to use SIP, there is no need to force people to use either, or any other.

"Without RTCWeb standard signaling protocol, each website developer
      has to understand the complication of signaling protocol for
      making the real-time communication."

With libraries like jQuery one doesn't need to know about xmlhttprequest anymore, so I'd say the same would be true for any signaling sibrary developed by a thirst party. It could expose a simple API for other developers to use, but of course, the one building the library itself *has* to know about the protocol.

"Also, browser has to download each website signaling protocol

Of course, same as with any other JS library or plugin. Why do you see a difference between the signaling protocol for RTCweb and everything else?

Overall, I didn't see any key points for the need of a default signaling protocol. I wouldn't agree with it even if you advocated for SIP, this should be up to the developer.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects