Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Internet Draft Form

Michael Tuexen <> Tue, 19 February 2013 21:38 UTC

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To: Martin Thomson <>
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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Internet Draft Form
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On Feb 19, 2013, at 8:43 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:

> On 18 February 2013 22:21, Randell Jesup <> wrote:
>> *tl;dr:***I believe this actually ends up with more total complexity,
>> especially in terms of the API presented to users/JS code, with little or no
>> practical win in usecases or reduction in total code.   It feels at times
>> like it's optimizing for some unspoken legacy SCTP application, or that it's
>> a general preference to using it like raw SCTP and all else (negotiation,
>> etc) is merely to satisfy (mostly) the W3's requirements.  ("If you care
>> about consistency...")
> I'm sensitive to the (potential) need for CLUE to use these channels.
> An in-band protocol makes that difficult.
> It does make M3UA implementation possible, as opposed to impossible.

I don't understand why you are referring here (and in you ID) to
M3UA being transferred over an RTCWeb Datachannel. Are you envisioning
running an STP in a browser?

Best regards
> But yes, I'm fairly sure that the set of people who care about that
> sort of thing is very small, if not zero.  The legacy cases are for
> amusement value only.
>> Comments:
>> "The ability to use as many SCTP features as possible" - your draft
>> certainly attempts to provide that, but that was generally rejected as a
>> requirement in the past.  Exposing those features (even if they exist in
>> SCTP) has a cost, both in API complexity and in testing. If I make
>> per-packet markings visible, I need to build tests for all those fun edge
>> cases.
> Like sending packets with different properties?  Doesn't sound
> especially hard.  It might even make some test cases easier to write.
> Sure, an implementation now likely has to track more state on a
> per-message basis, rather than referencing a channel-global, but
> that's really very minor.
>> *2. Overview:*
>> Differences:
>> Your draft ties Channels in a 1-1 mapping to specific stream numbers which
>> are exposed.  The current draft ties them to pairs of streams (hidden),
>> which may or may not be identical in number.
> Your draft does expose stream numbers in SDP.  Neither proposal
> requires that application be aware of the numbers.
>> Your draft has ways where race conditions can cause channel creation
>> failure, or if the other side rejects, etc.  The current draft only really
>> can fail due to the association failing or a failure to increase the number
>> of streams.
> That's a false comparison.  Stream adds can always fail in either
> proposal - there aren't an unlimited number of streams.  Either could
> raise the stream limit.  jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol assumes that this
> is always possible, which is not the case.
> This proposal doesn't permit rejecting of new channels, so I don't
> know how you inferred that.  You can close immediately, which should
> suffice.
> The real race condition is a glare case where both sides add the
> "same" stream. For this proposal, that's based on stream number; for
> your proposal, it's based on label.  I didn't see how
> jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol proposes to resolve the glare caused when
> two open requests pass in flight for the same label, but this proposal
> only cares if you are performing offer/answer negotiation and that
> glare problem is already solved.
>> There are some significant missing pieces to the SDP negotiation part, at
>> least at the W3 layer (which I realize this draft isn't, but we need to
>> consider it in our design).  Unlike media, we don't have good ways to
>> extract the datachannels offered/etc; the best I can think of would be to
>> create all the datachannels offered on setRemoteDescription and fire events
>> for them, and in response to the event if you want to reject it close() the
>> stream before createAnswer.  But this is tricky, since all the onXXXX's are
>> async and so when do you call createAnswer?  This seems an unspecified and
>> thorny bit of JS API to define.  Doable, sure, but considerable complexity
>> and increased async-ness for minimal gain (IMO).
> I see, if you wanted to reject a channel, how would you do it?  That's
> a problem in either proposal.  This is potentially far worse for your
> proposal.  I suspect that the only real option would be to
> setRemoteDescription(), which could populate pc.dataChannels[]
> immediately (and prior to firing the ondatachannel events).  Then you
> could investigate and close in a synchronous fashion.
> I always imagined that this would happen for media as well, noting
> that streams might be slightly more challenging than something that
> has all the properties present in the SDP.
>> I seriously dislike "it may fail if the other side used the channel".  Why
>> create such error paths and ways to break your app when there's no need to?
>> Is this needed for interfacing with some sort of legacy system?
> I think that you misread this one.  If I create channel 3 and then try
> to create another channel 3, then that should fail.  I assume that you
> don't permit two channels with the same label in your proposal either.
>> This means that to emulate a WebSockets channel, you'd need to (likely)
>> negotiate it in SDP (especially given the label and protocol fields).
> It doesn't matter how you create the channel.  You can emulate
> WebSockets in a number of ways (I believe that the default values for
> channels produce WebSockets-compatible properties.  If you want to
> signal "protocol" (label isn't a WebSockets concept), then yes, a
> round trip is needed.  You could run an offer/answer round, or your
> own application-specific signaling.  That round trip could be after
> creating the channel, depending on your application needs.
>> I don't see how apparently raw SS7 intererop is involved here.  Is this a
>> new usecase?
> See above.  These little jokes keep me from going (more) batty.
>> How is this better for the application than the current draft (assuming 0
>> RTT setup)?
> I don't think that the assumption is valid, so I'm not sure the
> question is either.
>> *3.1 Negotiation*
>> Differences:
>> In your draft, properties can be offer/answer negotiated.  In the current
>> draft, all properties are declarative; there is no negotiation over the
>> properties.
> You don't have negotiation, sure.  I think that you just have
> unresolved glare scenarios.
>> Comments:
>> If you actually want to offer/answer over the properties you need to define
>> all the O/A semantics, and then how to surface those to the app.  This adds
>> a lot of edge and error cases to deal with unless you define that no actual
>> negotiation occurs.  You can punt and say all that is the apps business, but
>> then you're back a "bad days" case having the app parse SDP, etc.
> Given that the SDP is declarative, I don't see how this is
> substantively different from your proposal.  The 1.5RTT one.
>> What are we gaining in practice here?  What usecase will use actual
>> negotiation here, or is it just a way to implement consistent declarative
>> properties?  (And there are still edge/error cases to deal with and at least
>> ignore).
> In practice, we are providing a service for applications that care
> about property consistency.  This says, "Here, you need to do
> offer/answer anyway.  As long as you are doing O/A, we can use that to
> ensure that your data channels match up nicely."
>> The current draft keeps things simple since there's no penalty really for
>> setting up a channel you're not interested in - if you don't want it, just
>> call "newchannel.close()".
> I don't see how that is different, or relevant.
>> **4. Available Data Channel Properties*
>> Differences:
>> Your draft specs a full set of possible SCTP properties and makes all but
>> streamId mutable at any time.  The current draft has a much smaller set of
>> properties (label, protocol, reliable, ordered, readystate, bufferedamount,
>> binarytype). Only binarytype is mutable.  The only ones added vs WebSockets
>> are reliable and ordered.
> ... and label.  That's new too.
> I'm ok with having less flexibility with respect to reliability.  I
> was only being complete for the first pass.
>> *5. SDP Format*
>> Differences:
>> Like what I proposed for the "1.5 RTT init SDP shortcut" in Boston, you have
>> to specify each channel and all the properties.  The current draft (using
>> the 0-RTT proposal) only needs to specify the protocol and protocol-level
>> options like default number of streams.
> Yes, that's clearly the biggest difference between this and your 0-RTT
> in-band proposal: where these extra bits are passed.
>> Comments:
>> If this is O/A, it has a similar set of issues to m-lines, though they can
>> go away since they have a stream number attached.  But you have to include
>> all active ones in each O/A exchange.
> That's a good thing.  I believe in clear expressiveness over saving
> bytes.  gzip exists so that we don't have to make bad compromises in
> these trade-offs.
>> What happens if you mutated the
>> properties on one side in order to do packet-by-packet option selection.
>> Does that mirror into SDP?  Does the other side then change?
> Good question.  I didn't put that in the draft in part because it's
> API-stuff, in part because I forgot.
> The current values for properties should appear in the SDP when it is
> generated.  If the answerer doesn't have that channel, it is required
> to create one with matching properties.  This is the entirety of the
> negotiation that goes on.  If the answer already has a channel, it
> doesn't change that local channel properties.  The answer includes the
> properties that the answer has for the channel.  The offerer might
> learn of channels from an answer, and consequently should pass a new
> channel object with matching properties to the app.
>> Since changing
>> them on one side doesn't generate a negotiation-needed, if you echo the
>> changes you could get surprised when negotiations happen for other reasons.
> Changing properties doesn't trigger the need for negotiation, sure,
> but creating the channel does.  I can't imagine any scenario where the
> outcome of changes is surprising.
>> If it's purely declarative and doesn't track changes, it's more doable, but
>> what happens if one side removes a channel in the O/A?
> Removal/rejection was something I didn't add.  On purpose.  Close the
> channel if you don't want it.
>> And can the answerer
>> in the initial exchange add channels?  If so, what does the offerer do; is
>> this real negotiation? Does this trigger negotiation-needed?
> Yes.  The offerer is expected to create a matching channel and pass it
> to the app.
> No, this is not "real" negotiation.  That's because negotiation of the
> sort that is performed when selecting codecs is not required.
>> Side note: the syntax won't work as the SCTP/DTLS spec allows for multiple
>> associations; people like Cullen and others have argued for that being
>> allowed for the generic case of SCTP over DTLS (the SCTP SDP spec isn't
>> *just* for DataChannels in WebRTC).  But it could be reworked into a syntax
>> that would work closer the what I presented.
> That's unfortunate.  I did make an explicit note about this
> assumption.  BTW, my preferred solve is:
> a=sctp-port:5000
> ...with all the negative consequences that implies.
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