Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Internet Draft Form
Randell Jesup <> Tue, 19 February 2013 06:23 UTC
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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Internet Draft Form
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On 2/18/2013 12:51 PM, Martin Thomson wrote: > I think that we're actually at the point where the involved parties > each understand each other's positions. Now comes the time to provide > everyone else with a coherent proposal that they can evaluate. > > > > This is intended as an alternative to the mechanisms in > draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-channel. It is also intended to render > draft-jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol unnecessary. That is, of course, as > long as it meets with the approval of the working group. Thanks for suggesting something concrete. It really helps in helping get to the heart of the arguments. I'd love to see one from the people who advocated pure-SDP in the room. (or even an argument in favor of their position). Ok, differences as I see them from draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-channel/etc, and comments: *tl;dr:***I believe this actually ends up with more total complexity, especially in terms of the API presented to users/JS code, with little or no practical win in usecases or reduction in total code. It feels at times like it's optimizing for some unspoken legacy SCTP application, or that it's a general preference to using it like raw SCTP and all else (negotiation, etc) is merely to satisfy (mostly) the W3's requirements. ("If you care about consistency...") *1. Requirements:* Differences: Your draft attempts to make virtually all feasible SCTP features visible to the application. The current draft does not, and provides a limited set of features that are static per-channel. Comments: "The ability to use as many SCTP features as possible" - your draft certainly attempts to provide that, but that was generally rejected as a requirement in the past. Exposing those features (even if they exist in SCTP) has a cost, both in API complexity and in testing. If I make per-packet markings visible, I need to build tests for all those fun edge cases. One (of several) arguments was that if you need a different set of per-packet features, you can use a channel with different characteristics. The actual use-cases for per-packet marking seem unlikely to be widely needed given access to multiple channels. Another was that the more complexity exposed, the more complex the mental model and understanding of the underlying network protocol characteristics needed by the JS programmer. If this is to be a requirement, it should be tied to some likely usecase we've defined or we expect this to be used for. Are you adding new usecases? If so, please disclose them, as no existing usecase requires what you've added here I believe. *2. Overview:* Differences: Your draft ties Channels in a 1-1 mapping to specific stream numbers which are exposed. The current draft ties them to pairs of streams (hidden), which may or may not be identical in number. Your draft gives 3 ways channels can be created, basically telling it "I want you to make an offer including it", "I got an offer including it", and by messages "just arriving" on unused channels. The current draft (assuming 0 RTT setup) has two ways: createDataChannel() on one end, and onDataChannel on the other. Your draft has ways where race conditions can cause channel creation failure, or if the other side rejects, etc. The current draft only really can fail due to the association failing or a failure to increase the number of streams. Comments: It's a bit misleading to state the properties aren't per-message, since later you say you can change them per-message. This is largely therefore an optimization to reduce typing/verbiage. This does as you say enable you to use common code for websockets and this. There are some significant missing pieces to the SDP negotiation part, at least at the W3 layer (which I realize this draft isn't, but we need to consider it in our design). Unlike media, we don't have good ways to extract the datachannels offered/etc; the best I can think of would be to create all the datachannels offered on setRemoteDescription and fire events for them, and in response to the event if you want to reject it close() the stream before createAnswer. But this is tricky, since all the onXXXX's are async and so when do you call createAnswer? This seems an unspecified and thorny bit of JS API to define. Doable, sure, but considerable complexity and increased async-ness for minimal gain (IMO). I seriously dislike "it may fail if the other side used the channel". Why create such error paths and ways to break your app when there's no need to? Is this needed for interfacing with some sort of legacy system? *3. (In)consistent Properties* Differences: Your draft allows non-SDP-negotiated channels to have inconsistent properties. The current draft does not. Comments: You could say properties are irrelevant since you can change them for each message; therefore they only matter if they're set and then the channel exposed to code that simply takes the properties for granted. This means that to emulate a WebSockets channel, you'd need to (likely) negotiate it in SDP (especially given the label and protocol fields). I don't see how apparently raw SS7 intererop is involved here. Is this a new usecase? How is this better for the application than the current draft (assuming 0 RTT setup)? *3.1 Negotiation* Differences: In your draft, properties can be offer/answer negotiated. In the current draft, all properties are declarative; there is no negotiation over the properties. Comments: If you actually want to offer/answer over the properties you need to define all the O/A semantics, and then how to surface those to the app. This adds a lot of edge and error cases to deal with unless you define that no actual negotiation occurs. You can punt and say all that is the apps business, but then you're back a "bad days" case having the app parse SDP, etc. What are we gaining in practice here? What usecase will use actual negotiation here, or is it just a way to implement consistent declarative properties? (And there are still edge/error cases to deal with and at least ignore). The current draft keeps things simple since there's no penalty really for setting up a channel you're not interested in - if you don't want it, just call "newchannel.close()". *3.2 Dealing with Mismatched Properties* Differences: N/A (in the current draft this can't happen) Comments: There's a bunch here to deal with and describe what happens if the app uses a stream before or during negotiation/etc. None of this is relevant in the current draft (and the API user doesn't have to understand all this). * **4. Available Data Channel Properties* Differences: Your draft specs a full set of possible SCTP properties and makes all but streamId mutable at any time. The current draft has a much smaller set of properties (label, protocol, reliable, ordered, readystate, bufferedamount, binarytype). Only binarytype is mutable. The only ones added vs WebSockets are reliable and ordered. *5. SDP Format* Differences: Like what I proposed for the "1.5 RTT init SDP shortcut" in Boston, you have to specify each channel and all the properties. The current draft (using the 0-RTT proposal) only needs to specify the protocol and protocol-level options like default number of streams. Comments: If this is O/A, it has a similar set of issues to m-lines, though they can go away since they have a stream number attached. But you have to include all active ones in each O/A exchange. What happens if you mutated the properties on one side in order to do packet-by-packet option selection. Does that mirror into SDP? Does the other side then change? Since changing them on one side doesn't generate a negotiation-needed, if you echo the changes you could get surprised when negotiations happen for other reasons. If it's purely declarative and doesn't track changes, it's more doable, but what happens if one side removes a channel in the O/A? And can the answerer in the initial exchange add channels? If so, what does the offerer do; is this real negotiation? Does this trigger negotiation-needed? The current draft's SDP (minus the per-channel stuff not needed with 0-RTT) is very simple. Side note: the syntax won't work as the SCTP/DTLS spec allows for multiple associations; people like Cullen and others have argued for that being allowed for the generic case of SCTP over DTLS (the SCTP SDP spec isn't *just* for DataChannels in WebRTC). But it could be reworked into a syntax that would work closer the what I presented. -- Randell Jesup
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Randell Jesup
- [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Internet … Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Michael Tuexen
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Randell Jesup
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… MARCON, JEROME (JEROME)
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… MARCON, JEROME (JEROME)
- Re: [rtcweb] Data Channels Proposal: Now in Inter… Martin Thomson