[Stackevo-discuss] 5G: It's the Network, Stupid
Dirk Kutscher <Dirk.Kutscher@neclab.eu> Wed, 16 December 2015 18:41 UTC
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From: Dirk Kutscher <Dirk.Kutscher@neclab.eu>
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Thread-Topic: 5G: It's the Network, Stupid
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[apologies for cross-posting] Hi, I have written up a few thoughts on current discussions around 5G and network evolution. I might publish this as paper later, but wanted to get it out early and ask for comments - so would be grateful for any feedback. It's not very polished and slightly long, but hopefully understandable enough. Take it as a "position paper" for now. Abstract: Current 5G network discussion are often focusing on providing more comprehensive and integrated orchestration and management functions in order to improve "end-to-end" managebility and programmability, derived from NGMN and similar requirements. While these are important challenges, this memo takes the perspective that in order to arrive at a more powerful network, it is important to understand the pain points and the reasons for certain design choices of today's networks. Understanding the drivers for traffic management systems, middleboxes, CDNs and other application-layer overlays should be taken as a basis for analyzing 5G uses cases and their requirements. In this memo, I am making the point that many of today's business needs and the ambitious 5G use cases do call for a more powerful data forwarding plane, taking ICN as an example. Features of such a forwarding plane would include better support for heterogeneous networks (access networks and whole network deployments), multi-path communication, in-network storage and implementation of operator policies. This would help to avoid overlay silos and finally simplify network management. http://dirk-kutscher.info/posts/5g-its-the-network-stupid/ Thanks, Dirk
- [Stackevo-discuss] 5G: It's the Network, Stupid Dirk Kutscher
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Dirk Kutscher
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Dirk Kutscher
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Michael Welzl
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Dirk Kutscher
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Michael Welzl
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Dirk Kutscher
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Ingemar Johansson S
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Nishanth Sastry
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … David Michael Taht
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … AshwoodsmithPeter
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Nishanth Sastry
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… AshwoodsmithPeter
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Joe Touch
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Joe Touch
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [gaia] 5G: It's the Networ… Theodore V Faber
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Dino Farinacci
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Joe Touch
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … AshwoodsmithPeter
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Bill Gage
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Dino Farinacci
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Dino Farinacci
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … AshwoodsmithPeter
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Dino Farinacci
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Bill Gage
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] 5G: It's the Net… Dino Farinacci
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Jon Crowcroft
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … DIEGO LOPEZ GARCIA
- Re: [Stackevo-discuss] [5gangip] [gaia] 5G: It's … Dirk Kutscher