Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-network-slice-definition and isolation
Jari Arkko <> Sun, 15 November 2020 20:41 UTC
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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2020 22:41:24 +0200
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Subject: Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-network-slice-definition and isolation
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> Thank you Adrian. I mostly agree with what you say Thank you Adrian and Joel. For what it is worth, I also agree, and like Adrian’s suggested wording (and Joel’s amendment). The new text would also be more concise and alive the task we need it to do: explain the importance of the isolation concept and relate it to the concepts introduced earlier in the document. I think this actually gives enough expressive power to do the most common things that people request. And if there’s things beyond, the model is completely extensible with the introduction of additional SLOs. And I don’t think Adrian mentioned this, but I also thought the concept of backups/fault tolerance could be an orthogonal, and should not be mixed with the isolation question. But Adrian’s proposal solves that too by removing that part of the text. Jari (no hats, just personal opinion)
- [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-networ… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Joel Halpern Direct
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Joel Halpern Direct
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Jari Arkko
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Joel Halpern Direct
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [Teas] Thoughts about draft-nsdt-teas-ietf-ne… Stewart Bryant