[trill] trill ecmp utilization

dai.xuehui@zte.com.cn Wed, 23 May 2012 03:33 UTC

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I have a problem on the definition of ECMP  utilization in TRILL OAM Req 
draft, which said that:  "OAM MAY provide functionality to monitor 
utilization of ECMP paths to specified destination RBridges. Utilization 
is defined as distribution of traffic over different ECMP members."

Given the figure below, RB1 is ingress Rbridge and RB9 is egress Rbridge, 
RB2 has three downstream RBs(RB3, RB4 and RB5) that can reach RB9, and RB6 
has two downstream RBs(RB7 and RB8)to RB9, so there are all 6 ECMP paths 
from RB1 to RB9.

 Then, my question is:
In the current text, does "ECMP member" mean one specific path from RB1 to 
RB9(such as RB1-RB2-RB3-RB6-RB7-RB9)? or one specific node(such as RB2)?

Please correct me if my understanding is not correct.

Best Regard,