Re: [webfinger] Registration of a URN for WebFinger Properties

"Paul E. Jones" <> Thu, 10 October 2013 23:41 UTC

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To: Melvin Carvalho <>
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Subject: Re: [webfinger] Registration of a URN for WebFinger Properties
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>>There are also properties, and I've not seen any described formally 
>>anywhere.  I've defined a ones I find useful:
>Regarding name, just from the top of my head (I didnt include PoCo, 
>OpenSocial, PIM, DOAP, but you could search for them)
>Remember that link relations predate webfinger by over 5 years.  It's 
>often better to reuse than to reinvent.
I agree, though none of these are designed for use in WebFinger.  So, I 
created my own.  You can't point to something 5 years old and declare 
I'm reproducing it because there is some syntax scribbling that has the 
word "name" associated with it.

What I defined in the link above for "name", for example, is somewhere 
between foaf:name and the one related to vcard.  WebFinger has a 
registry for identifiers now.  It would be good to see that get 
populated with useful items, though I would not recommend putting 
everything one might possibly put into a vcard in there.  If a vcard is 
essential, the vcard link relation should be published in a WF JRD and a 
client query that.  However, there are basic things like "name" that are 
very useful, such as when you log into a web site and that site would 
like to display your avatar and name.  The avatar already has a defined 
LR value under  The person's name does not have a defined 
property identifier anywhere, except the one I specified under
