Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Maria Rita PALATTELLA <> Fri, 25 November 2016 10:46 UTC

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From: Maria Rita PALATTELLA <>
To: Thomas Watteyne <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 10:39:53 +0000
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Cc: Thubert Pascal <>, 6tisch <>, Xavi Vilajosana Guillen <>
Subject: Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
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Thomas, all,

I have gone through the list of terms in the terminology draft, and I agree there are some terms that we MAY want to DELETE.

In particular:

a) terms specifying forwarding models, defined in the architecture draft, but never used afterward in any other draft. And moreover not in the current std. scope of 6TiSCH

- 6F: IPv6 Forwarding
- FF: 6LoWPAN Fragment Forwarding
- TF: Track Forwarding

b) confusing terms

- CDU matrix - concept related to chunk, but never used, and it created a lot of confusion in the group in the past. We can keep chunk, without the need of CDU

c) terms related to other RFCs, drafts, not 6TiSCH specific


d) Generic Terms, not really needed for understanding 6TiSCH

- Communication Paradigm
- Interaction Model
- Interference Domain
- QoS

e) terms introduced but afterward not used anymore (such those related to the queue model)

- I-MUX module
- MUX module
- Operational network key

Moreover, we could also simply:

i) the definition of bundle, currently quite long, by keeping only the first part:

"A group of equivalent scheduled cells, i.e. cells identified by different [slotOffset, channelOffset], which are scheduled for a same purpose, with the same neighbor, with the same flags, and the same slotframe. The size of the bundle refers to the number of cells it contains. For a given slotframe length, the size of the bundle translates directly into bandwidth. A bundle represents a half-duplex link between nodes, one transmitter and one or more receivers, with bandwidth that amounts to the sum of the cells in the bundle."

ii) the current definition of deterministic network:

"A Deterministic Network supports traffic flows with communication patterns that are known a priori. Thus, routing paths and communication schedules can be computed in advance, in a fashion similar to a railway system, to avoid losses due to packet collisions, and to perform global optimizations across multiple flows.  A deterministic network can allocates the required resources (buffers, processors, medium access) along the multi-hop routing path at the precise moment the resources are needed."

with the following: " In the context of 6TiSCH, a network where the packet delivery rate, end-to-end latency and energy consumption of the nodes can be predicted."

Finally, can someone in the 6TiSCH-security team provide some explenation of the "Operational Network" definition:

"A IEEE802.15.4e network whose encryption/authentication keys are determined by some algorithms/protocols. There may be network-wide group keys, or per-link keys."

It is not so clear the link between the term and its definition. Thanks.

Once the group agree in applying the proposed changes, I can update the draft accordingly.
Thank you.

Best Regards,
Maria Rita

From: Thomas Watteyne []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 7:45 PM
Cc: Maria Rita PALATTELLA; Thubert Pascal; 6tisch; Xavi Vilajosana Guillen
Subject: Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Thanks Maria Rita for agreeing to add the term. Can I ask you to do the edit in the repo?

About last call, while I agree with the definitions in there, we MAY want to remove some, or at least do a sanity check. Maria Rita, could I ask you to go through the list and make some recommendations?


On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM,<> <<>> wrote:
I think that we need to remember that in some cases CCA is necessary for minimal, such as shared slots, but also when there are multiple instances of 6tisch being used by non-coordinated entities.

Regardless, "In the TSCH mode, backoff is calculated in shared links, so the CSMA-CA aUnitBackoffPeriod  is not used.”  The CCA mode may be enabled for TSCH by the TSCH-MODE.request where the TschMode may be enabled and also the TschCca may be enabled

Pat Kinney
Kinney Consulting LLC
IEEE 802.15 WG vice chair, SC chair
ISA100 co-chair, ISA100.20 chair
O: +1.847.960.3715<tel:%2B1.847.960.3715><>

On 22, Nov2016, at 5:57, Maria Rita PALATTELLA <<>> wrote:


sure, we can add CCA among the terms.

Pascal, about the last call for the terminology draft, I believe we can go for it.

Maybe we only need to check first if there are new terms coming from the 6P and SF0 drafts (but I doubt, because we checked already last time), or from the latest security related drafts (draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security, and draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join).

@Malisa and Michael: do you see any term missing? you would like to add?

Thank you
Maria Rita

From: Pascal Thubert (pthubert) [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 12:28 PM
To: Xavi Vilajosana Guillen; Maria Rita PALATTELLA; tisch
Subject: RE: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

That would be good.

Also: as discussed at the IETF meeting, we also need to trigger last call for the terminology draft, which will cause minimal to be held for publication otherwise.

Maria-Rita, do you think we are ready for that?

Take care,


From: 6tisch [] On Behalf Of Xavi Vilajosana Guillen
Sent: mardi 22 novembre 2016 11:58
To: Maria Rita PALATTELLA <<>>; tisch <<>>
Subject: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Dear Maria Rita,

I would like to suggest adding the following definition to the terminology draft so we can point to it from minimal.

CCA: Clear Channel Assessment. Mechanism defined in <xref target="IEEE802154-2015"/>, section In a TSCH network, CCA can be used to detect other radio networks in vicinity. Nodes listen before sending to detect other ongoing transmissions. Because the network is synchronized, CCA cannot be used to detect colliding transmission within the same network.

let me know if this is possible.

Dr. Xavier Vilajosana Guillén­
Research Professor
Wireless Networks Research Group
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya­

+34 646 633 681<tel:%2B34%20646%20633%20681>|<>­ | Skype­: xvilajosana<>

Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. Edifici B3
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)


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Thomas Watteyne, PhD
Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria
Sr Networking Design Eng, Linear Tech
Founder & co-lead, UC Berkeley OpenWSN
Co-chair, IETF 6TiSCH<>