Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Thomas Watteyne <> Fri, 09 December 2016 14:34 UTC

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From: Thomas Watteyne <>
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2016 15:30:37 +0100
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Cc: "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <>, 6tisch <>, Xavi Vilajosana Guillen <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
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On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Maria Rita PALATTELLA <> wrote:

> Thomas, I will join the call.
> Sure, I can shortly summarize the current discussion.
> I also believe there is no real need to have slides.
> Maria Rita
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Thomas Watteyne []
> *Sent:* Friday, December 09, 2016 3:17 PM
> *To:* Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
> *Cc:* Maria Rita PALATTELLA;; 6tisch;
> Xavi Vilajosana Guillen
> *Subject:* Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
> Maria Rita,
> Will you be on the call in 45min? Can you provide us with a quick update
> on what was agreed upon? No slides needed I believe, unless you want to put
> some together quickly and present from your computer.
> Thomas
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <
>> wrote:
>> Hello Maria Rita
>> *From:* Maria Rita PALATTELLA []
>> *Sent:* vendredi 25 novembre 2016 11:40
>> *To:* Thomas Watteyne <>;
>> *Cc:* Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <>; 6tisch <
>>>; Xavi Vilajosana Guillen <>
>> *Subject:* RE: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
>> Thomas, all,
>> I have gone through the list of terms in the terminology draft, and I
>> agree there are some terms that we MAY want to DELETE.
>> In particular:
>> a) terms specifying forwarding models, defined in the architecture draft,
>> but never used afterward in any other draft. And moreover not in the
>> current std. scope of 6TiSCH
>> - 6F: IPv6 Forwarding
>> - FF: 6LoWPAN Fragment Forwarding
>> - TF: Track Forwarding
>> *[Pascal] agree to remove*
>> b) confusing terms
>> - CDU matrix - concept related to chunk, but never used, and it created a
>> lot of confusion in the group in the past. We can keep chunk, without the
>> need of CDU
>> *[Pascal] I’d keep that one, we have not really started the work related
>> to it, may be useful*
>> c) terms related to other RFCs, drafts, not 6TiSCH specific
>> - ARO
>> - DAR/DAC
>> - EAR
>> - NEAR
>> *[Pascal] agree to remove*
>> d) Generic Terms, not really needed for understanding 6TiSCH
>> - Communication Paradigm
>> - Interaction Model
>> - Interference Domain
>> - NME
>> - GMPLS
>> - MAC
>> - QoS
>> *[Pascal] agree to remove*
>> e) terms introduced but afterward not used anymore (such those related to
>> the queue model)
>> - I-MUX module
>> - MUX module
>> - Operational network key
>> *[Pascal] agree to remove*
>> Moreover, we could also simply:
>> i) the definition of bundle, currently quite long, by keeping only the
>> first part:
>> "A group of equivalent scheduled cells, i.e. cells identified by
>> different [slotOffset, channelOffset], which are scheduled for a same
>> purpose, with the same neighbor, with the same flags, and the same
>> slotframe. The size of the bundle refers to the number of cells it
>> contains. For a given slotframe length, the size of the bundle translates
>> directly into bandwidth. A bundle represents a half-duplex link between
>> nodes, one transmitter and one or more receivers, with bandwidth that
>> amounts to the sum of the cells in the bundle."
>> *[Pascal] The latter sentence is incorrect; like a schedule, a bundle is
>> a local abstraction and it is not a concern of this node whether it is a
>> sole sender or listenenr on it.*
>> “ A bundle is a local abstraction that represents a half-duplex link for
>> either sending or receiving, with bandwidth that amounts to the sum of the
>> cells in the bundle."
>> ii) the current definition of deterministic network:
>> "A Deterministic Network supports traffic flows with communication
>> patterns that are known a priori. Thus, routing paths and communication
>> schedules can be computed in advance, in a fashion similar to a railway
>> system, to avoid losses due to packet collisions, and to perform global
>> optimizations across multiple flows.  A deterministic network can allocates
>> the required resources (buffers, processors, medium access) along the
>> multi-hop routing path at the precise moment the resources are needed."
>> with the following: " In the context of 6TiSCH, a network where the
>> packet delivery rate, end-to-end latency and energy consumption of the
>> nodes can be predicted."
>> *[Pascal] We can never guarantee a PDR : ) I’d say that the generic
>> concept is defined in
>> <> and that with
>> 6TiSCH it is implemented by reserving Tracks which guarantee an end to end
>> latency and optimize the PDR for well-characterized flows*
>> Finally, can someone in the 6TiSCH-security team provide some explenation
>> of the "Operational Network" definition:
>> "A IEEE802.15.4e network whose encryption/authentication keys are
>> determined by some algorithms/protocols. There may be network-wide group
>> keys, or per-link keys."
>> It is not so clear the link between the term and its definition. Thanks.
>> Once the group agree in applying the proposed changes, I can update the
>> draft accordingly.
>> Thank you.
>> Best Regards,
>> Maria Rita
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------
>> *From:* Thomas Watteyne []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 22, 2016 7:45 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Cc:* Maria Rita PALATTELLA; Thubert Pascal; 6tisch; Xavi Vilajosana
>> Guillen
>> *Subject:* Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
>> Thanks Maria Rita for agreeing to add the term. Can I ask you to do the
>> edit in the repo?
>> About last call, while I agree with the definitions in there, we MAY want
>> to remove some, or at least do a sanity check. Maria Rita, could I ask you
>> to go through the list and make some recommendations?
>> Thomas
>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>> I think that we need to remember that in some cases CCA is necessary for
>> minimal, such as shared slots, but also when there are multiple instances
>> of 6tisch being used by non-coordinated entities.
>> Regardless, "In the TSCH mode, backoff is calculated in shared links, so
>> the CSMA-CA aUnitBackoffPeriod  is not used.”  The CCA mode may be
>> enabled for TSCH by the TSCH-MODE.request where the TschMode may be enabled
>> and also the TschCca may be enabled
>> Pat Kinney
>> *Kinney Consulting LLC*
>> IEEE 802.15 WG vice chair, SC chair
>> ISA100 co-chair, ISA100.20 chair
>> O: +1.847.960.3715
>> On 22, Nov2016, at 5:57, Maria Rita PALATTELLA <
>>> wrote:
>> Xavi,
>> sure, we can add CCA among the terms.
>> Pascal, about the last call for the terminology draft, I believe we can
>> go for it.
>> Maybe we only need to check first if there are new terms coming from the
>> 6P and SF0 drafts (but I doubt, because we checked already last time), or
>> from the latest security related drafts (draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security,
>> and draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join).
>> @Malisa and Michael: do you see any term missing? you would like to add?
>> Thank you
>> Maria Rita
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Pascal Thubert (pthubert) []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 22, 2016 12:28 PM
>> *To:* Xavi Vilajosana Guillen; Maria Rita PALATTELLA; tisch
>> *Subject:* RE: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
>> That would be good.
>> Also: as discussed at the IETF meeting, we also need to trigger last call
>> for the terminology draft, which will cause minimal to be held for
>> publication otherwise.
>> Maria-Rita, do you think we are ready for that?
>> Take care,
>> Pascal
>> *From:* 6tisch [ <>]
>> *On Behalf Of *Xavi Vilajosana Guillen
>> *Sent:* mardi 22 novembre 2016 11:58
>> *To:* Maria Rita PALATTELLA <>; tisch <
>> *Subject:* [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft
>> Dear Maria Rita,
>> I would like to suggest adding the following definition to the
>> terminology draft so we can point to it from minimal.
>> CCA: Clear Channel Assessment. Mechanism defined in <xref
>> target="IEEE802154-2015"/>, section In a TSCH network, CCA can
>> be used to detect other radio networks in vicinity. Nodes listen before
>> sending to detect other ongoing transmissions. Because the network is
>> synchronized, CCA cannot be used to detect colliding transmission within
>> the same network.
>> let me know if this is possible.
>> thanks!
>> X
>> --
>> *Dr. Xavier Vilajosana Guillén*­
>> Research Professor
>> Wireless Networks Research Group
>> Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
>> *Universitat Oberta de Catalunya*­
>> +34 646 633 681|­ | Skype­: xvilajosana
>> Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia
>> Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. Edifici B3
>> 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
>> ­
>> _______________________________________________
>> 6tisch mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> 6tisch mailing list
>> --
>> _______________________________________
>> Thomas Watteyne, PhD
>> Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria
>> Sr Networking Design Eng, Linear Tech
>> Founder & co-lead, UC Berkeley OpenWSN
>> Co-chair, IETF 6TiSCH
>> _______________________________________
> --
> _______________________________________
> Thomas Watteyne, PhD
> Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria
> Sr Networking Design Eng, Linear Tech
> Founder & co-lead, UC Berkeley OpenWSN
> Co-chair, IETF 6TiSCH
> _______________________________________


Thomas Watteyne, PhD
Research Scientist & Innovator, Inria
Sr Networking Design Eng, Linear Tech
Founder & co-lead, UC Berkeley OpenWSN
Co-chair, IETF 6TiSCH