[apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and context
Ioseb Dzmanashvili <ioseb.dzmanashvili@gmail.com> Sun, 26 May 2013 11:21 UTC
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Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 15:21:46 +0400
From: Ioseb Dzmanashvili <ioseb.dzmanashvili@gmail.com>
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Subject: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and context
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Dear All, I've submitted new draft for the "property" and "context" link relation types: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-property-and-context-link-relations-00 Description: - This specification defines link relation types that may be used to express the relationships between a resource and associated properties or between a resource and it's context. - The "property" and "context" link relations are intentionally generic, and they can be used with multiple media types in a wide variety of use cases - The "property" Link Relation Type: When included in a response, the "property" link relation identifies a target resource that represents a property of the context resource. - The "context" Link Relation Type: When included in a response, the "context" link relation identifies a target resource that represents a context document of which the context resource is a member. Could you please review? Thanks in advance! Best regards, ioseb -- Ioseb Dzmanashvili AzRy LLC Software Architect #8, Chachava str. Tbilisi, 0159, Georgia Mobile: +(995) 99753388 github.com/ioseb twitter.com/iosebi
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and context Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… mike amundsen
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Jan Algermissen
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… mca
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Erik Wilde
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… janalgermissen1und1
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… James M Snell
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… James M Snell
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and con… Ioseb Dzmanashvili